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宜蘭頭城九股山佛教發展型態研究=A Study on the Patterns of Buddhism Development at Jiugu Mountain in Toucheng, Yilan |
作者 |
葉宜庭 (著)=Yeh, Yi-ting (au.)
出處題名 |
出版日期 | 2024.09.27 |
頁次 | 23 |
出版者 | 台灣大學佛學研究中心 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
附註項 | 作者單位:佛光大學佛教學系博士生
關鍵詞 | 九股山=Jiugu Mountain; 宜蘭=Yilan; 吉祥寺=Jixiang Temple; 真精=Zhenjing; 通本=Tongben |
摘要 | 宜蘭位於臺灣東北部,蘭陽平原的三面環山、東臨太平洋之地理因素,其開發整整晚於西部一百多年,乾隆 38 年(1773)漳人吳沙從三貂嶺進入開墾,初設立頭圍、二圍等等作為進攻防守,頭城早期的地名「頭圍」,是吳沙開墾之初「圍」起的堡壘,舊地名延用。頭城西側、鎮上吉祥路往西向山邊,有一條福德坑溪(又稱土地公坑溪),溪水流經九股山,海拔游幾十公尺至九百多公尺高,原先林間充滿開墾居民及其後代居住,直至大正 13 年(1924)山洪水患,福德坑居民遷居山下,逐漸人煙漸稀。從嘉慶 15 年(1810)至大正 13 年(1924)期 間,開墾漢人對於信仰的需求逐漸形成,土地公廟、寺院林立山間,雖然遍佈的佛寺信仰已沉寂,但其信仰的中心價值依然存在,值得深入關注探討。 明治 40 年(1907)宜蘭地區第一座正信佛教寺院吉祥寺於九股山竣工,由鼓山湧泉寺受戒回來的真精和尚、通本和尚共同創立,法脈分燈遍佈宜蘭地區,除此之外山間亦有韋馱院、靈山寺、滬連山道場、福崇寺、吉祥寺、莊道觀、瑞光廟及三聖宮等,沿著吉祥路來到山下,路旁有募善堂、開成寺等等齋教與民俗佛教寺院。目前以宜蘭地區佛教發展為題的相關研究著作有:林仁昱〈宜蘭地區佛教發展史初探〉、關正宗〈蘭陽地區佛教與齋教的發展及轉型〉和《宜蘭縣佛寺志》第一集,以及陳進傳主持、宜蘭頭城鎮公所出版的《2020 人與神共構-頭城的寺廟信仰》等等,皆有涉及吉祥寺、韋馱院的建設;雖涵蓋頭城主要信仰,但仍未以九股山佛寺之宗教信仰為探討。 本研究以九股山的佛教寶剎為研究對象,目的探討其法脈、發展、彼此互動及現況,以梳理宜蘭正信佛教發展初期之型態。本研究方法採用口述歷史、田調走訪及文獻分析三個主要方法。筆者於 2022、2023、2024 年走訪調查之寺院(廟)共有 15 座,觀察現今九股山信仰類型有土地公、民間信仰、正信佛教發祥寺、人間佛教道場、清修寺院等等類型。 殖民初期宜蘭佛教本土法派開展教,來自九股山吉祥寺真精和尚和十一股山妙釋寺通本和尚:真精法脈分燈有頭城韋馱院、蘇澳祥光寺、雙溪三忠寺、板橋祥天寺、嘉義寶林寺等;通本法脈分燈有:頭城靈山寺、礁溪妙釋寺、礁溪福崇寺、礁溪開成寺、礁溪圓明寺、礁溪開成寺、礁溪正覺寺、宜蘭雷音寺、宜蘭慈雲寺、羅東慈惠禪寺、冬山白蓮寺、五結善覺寺等,來自鼓山湧泉寺法脈遍佈宜 蘭,影響深遠。 戰後來台僧人星雲、成一來蘭的弘法,對於九股山佛寺信仰又是一股新流注入:善慧寺原為龍華派齋堂,受創辦人之一郭進居邀請前來駐錫弘法,成立頭城念佛會、慧音隊、兒童班,為齋堂佛教化直接影響因素;亦時常走訪開成寺,帶領信眾念佛,原為祭祀吳沙的廟宇,轉型成為佛教念佛修持道場,現今雖無僧人駐錫,但仍舊維持有祭拜素食供品,朔望月、早晚課誦。 星雲弟子覺年派任至靈山寺三十寒暑,善用九股山的地勢優勢,從動力學到一筆畫之弘法,藉山水體驗講述佛教的因緣法、生命在霎那生滅間,提倡珍惜與尊重之生命教育,弘揚星雲人間佛教。使得九股山佛教弘法場域的重心移動到靈山寺,弘法型態從經懺法會轉變為人間佛教樣貌。 Yilan is located in the northeastern part of Taiwan, with the Lanyang Plain surrounded on three sides by mountains and facing the Pacific Ocean to the east.Due to these geographical factors, its development lagged the western region by over a hundred years. The recorded history of development can be traced back to the 38th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign (1773), when Wu Sha from Zhangzhou began cultivating the land from Sandiaoling. Initially setting up defensive outposts called “Touwei” and “Erwei.” The early name “Touwei” for Toucheng was a fortress established by Wu Sha, and the old name persisted. To the west of Toucheng, along Jixiang Road towards the mountains, there is a stream called Fude Keng Creek (also known as Tudigong Keng Creek). The stream flows through Jiugu Mountain, ranging from a few dozen meters to over 900 meters in altitude.The forested area was inhabited by settlers and their descendants until a major flood in 1924 (Taisho 13) which led the Fude Keng residents to relocate to foothills, causing a gradual decline in population. Between 1810 (Jiaqing 15) and 1924, the settlers’ religious needs grew, resulting in the proliferation of Tudigong temples and Buddhist monasteries in the mountains. Although many of these Buddhist temples have since become inactive, their core values remain worthy of in-depth exploration and discussion. In 1907 (Meiji 40), the first orthodox Buddhist temple in the Yilan area, Jixiang Temple, was completed on Jiugu Mountain. It was founded by Venerable Zhenjing and Venerable Tongben, who had taken their precepts at Yongquan Temple in Drum Mountain. The lineage they established spread throughout Yilan. Besides Jixiang Temple, there were also Weituo Temple, Lingshan Temple, Hulianshan Dojo, Fuchong Temple, Jixiang Temple, Zhuang Daoist Temple, Ruiguang Temple, and Sansheng Palace. Along Jixiang Road down the mountain, there are also Mushan Tang and Kaicheng Temple, which are Zhai religion (Chinese religions of fasting) and folklore Buddhism.Current research related to the development of Buddhism in Yilan includes Lin Renyu’s “A Preliminary Study of the History of Buddhist Development in Yilan,” Kan Zhengzong’s “The Development and Transformation of Buddhism and Zhai Jiao in Lanyang,” and the first volume of “Yilan County Buddhist Monasteries Chronicles,” as well as “2020 People and Gods: The Temples of Toucheng,” edited by Chen Chin- Chuan and published by Toucheng Town Office. These works cover the construction of Jixiang Temple and Weituo Temple, but do not specifically address the religious beliefs of Jiugu Mountain’s Buddhist temples.
This study focuses on th |
目次 | 摘要 Abstract 一、前言 1 二、地理與開墾 2 (一)開墾與人口 2 (三)經濟產業與山洪遷村 4 三、信仰型態分析 4 (一)信仰調查 4 (二)信仰類型 6 四、佛教開展與法脈傳承 7 (一)佛教寺院之開展 7 (二)法脈傳承與弘法樣貌 13 五、結論 16 參考文獻 |
點閱次數 | 194 |
建檔日期 | 2024.10.21 |
更新日期 | 2024.10.21 |
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