親鸞『浄土和讃』観経意について:善導『観経疏』序分義との連関=Shinran’s Verses on the Significance of the Contemplation Sūtra in His Hymns on the Pure Land: In Relation to Shandao’s Understanding of the Contemplation Sūtra
In Shinran’s Hymns on the Pure Land (Jōdo Wasan 浄土和讃), there is a set of verses based on the Guan wuliangshou jing 観無量寿経 (Contemplation Sūtra). These hymns are related to the history of discrimination in Japan. Specifically, a hymn about the caṇḍāla, outcaste people discriminated against in ancient India, functioned to promote discrimination against the Buraku 部落 in Japan. In order to consider the meaning of the hymn about the caṇḍāla, we will examine it through a comparison with Shandao’s understanding of the Contemplation Sūtra. We will also examine Shinran’s understanding of the Contemplation Sūtra in order to consider the meaning of the hymn.