
Buddhism in the United States, 1840-1925
作者 Tweed, Thomas A.
出版者Ganesha Publishing, Ltd.
出版者網址 http://www.ganesha-publishing.com/
出版地UK [英國]
附註項Ganesha - Western Responses to Asian Religions and Philosophies
關鍵詞美國佛教=American Buddhism; reference books
摘要The 6 volumes in this collection reprint the most important and rare sources for the study of America initial encounter with Buddhism. The 6 volumes of this collection offer an illuminating glimpse at a moment of cultural contact that has had enduring significance for the US and for Asian nations. Tweed is the author of The American Encounter with Buddhism,1844?912:Victorian Culture and the Limits of Dissent (1992).

Recognizing the great influence that Buddhism has exerted on popular and elite culture in the US since the 1960s through transnational migrants, European-American converts and the many artists and intellectuals who have turned to that Asian religion for inspiration,this collection documents those cultural contacts and exchanges which began much earlier in 1844 when an American scholar delivered a lecture on Buddhism to the American Oriental Society and the Dial,the primary Transcendentalist magazine,published an excerpt of a translation of an important Buddhist scripture,the Lotus Sutra.

That initial encounter with Buddhism peaked between 1879 and the early 1900s and the vol.1 of this set,Contacts and Exchanges in Print Culture:Encountering Buddhism in US Periodicals, 1844?903,is an edited collection of the most significant contributions to the 19th-century discussion about the meaning and value of Buddhism.

It includes articles in a range of magazines including widely read general interest periodicals such as the Atlantic Monthly and North American Review; religious journals such as the Baptist Quarterly and American Catholic Quarterly Review; and the earliest American Buddhist periodicals, The Buddhist Ray (1888?4) and The Light of Dharma (1901?). Covering the period 1876-1925,vol.2? reprint 12 books that were among the most influential in the US encounter with Buddhism.

The diverse contributors reflect the enormous range of participants in the public conversation about Buddhism during this period:there are articles and books by several Asian Buddhists, American travellers, American converts, Buddhist sympathizers, academic scholars, social reformers and a wide range of Catholic and Protestant clergy and missionaries who worried aloud about the popularity of Buddhism after the publication of Edwin Arnold Light of Asia in 1879 and the visit of Asian spokesmen at the World Parliament of Religions in 1893.
目次● Volume 1:Contacts and Exchanges in Print Culture:Encountering Buddhism in US Periodicals, 1844 903
Selection of c. 40 articles
● Volume 2:Imagining Buddhism Founder
Charles De Berard Mills The Indian Saint; or,Buddha and Buddhism:A Sketch, Historical and Critical (1876)
E. D. Root Sakya Buddha:A Versified,Annotated Narrative of His Life and Teachings (1879)
● Volume 3:Challenging Buddhism Popularity
Samuel Henry Kellogg The Light of Asia and the Light of the World:A Comparison of the Legend,the Doctrine and the Ethics of the Buddha with the Story,the Doctrine and the Ethics of Christ (1885)
● Volume 4:Answering Buddhism Critics
Paul Carus Buddhism and Its Christian Critics (1897),The Dharma; or,The Religion of Enlightenment:An Exposition of Buddhism (1907),The Buddha:A Drama in Five Acts and Four Interludes (1913)
● Volume 5:Explaining Buddhism Teachings
Henry Steel Olcott The Buddhist Catechism (1903)
Albert J. Edmunds Buddhist and Christian Gospels, Now First Compared from the
Originals (1904)
Soyen Shaku Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot:Addresses on Religious Subjects (1906)
● Volume 6:Presenting Convert Interpretations

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