
Buddhism in Sinhalese Society, 1750-1900: A Study of Religious Revival and Change
作者 Malalgoda, Kitsiri (著)
出版者University of California Press
出版者網址 https://www.ucpress.edu/
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
附註項A revision and expansion of the author's thesis, Oxford, 1970
目次Spelling and Transliteration vii
Key t o Abbreviations ix
Preface xi

Introduction 1
I. The Background 11
i. Buddhism: Its Transformation and Establishment in Ceylon, 11
ii. The Impact of the Portuguese and Dutch Missionary Efforts, 28
iii. Buddhism in the Kandyan Kingdom, 49

Part One. Schisms within the Order and the Rise of New Monastic Fraternities
II. The First Phase: U p t o 1815 73
i. The Nature of the Religious Establishment, 73
ii. Rebellion in the Kandyan Kingdom, 74
iii. Kandyan versus Low-country Monks, 82
iv. Low-caste Protest against the Establishment and the Rise of the Amarapura Fraternity, 87
v. The Sociological Significance of the Amarapura Fraternity, 100
III. Authority and Dissent in the Siyam Fraternity, 1815-1865 106
i. The Disestablishment of Buddhism, 106
ii. Kandyan versus Low-country Monks—The Second Phase: The Rise of the Kalyäni Fraternity, 128
iii. The Amarapura Fraternity in the Kandyan Provinces, 139
IV. The Segmentation of the Amarapura Fraternity, 1815-1865 144
i. The Problem of Cohesion in the Amarapura Fraternity, 144
ii. Karave and Durave Monks versus Salagama Monks: The Emergence of the Dhammarakkhitavamsa and
the Kalyanivamsa Fraternities, 147
iii. Salagama Monks: Division into Mulavamsa and Saddhammavamsa Fraternities, 151
iv. The Ramanna Fraternity: Its Origin and Its Ideals, 161
V. Decline or Revival? 173
i. Prophecies of Doom, 173
ii. The Shift of the Religious Centre, 175

Part Two. Protestant Buddhism
VI. Buddhism Versus Christianity: Beginnings of Buddhist Protest 191
i. The Challenge: Christian Missions in Ceylon, 1800-1860, 191
ii. The Buddhist Response, 1800-1860, 205
iii. The Buddhist Response, 1860-1880, 213
VII. Protest Consolidated 232
i. Crisis in the Buddhist Response to Christian Missionary Activity, 232
ii. Lay Participation before 1880, 237
iii. Lay Participation after 1880: The Buddhist Theosophical Society, 242

Conclusion 256
Appendix I. Chronological Table, 1750-1900 263
Appendix II. Pupillary Succession of Vàlivita Saranamkara in the Low Country 266
Bibliography 269
Index 285
ISBN0520028732 (pbk); 9780520028739
  1. Book Review: Buddhism in Sinhalese Society, 1750-1900. A Study of Religious Revival and Change by Kitsiri Malalgoda; Sangha and State in Burma. A Study of Monastic Sectarianism and Leadership by E. Michael Mendelson, John P. Ferguson; World Renouncer and World Conqueror. A Study of Buddhism and Polity in Thailand against a Historical Background by S. J. Tambiah / Obeyesekere, Gananath (評論)
  2. Book Review: Buddhism in Sinhalese Society, 1750-1900: A Study of Religious Revival and Change by Kitsiri Malalgoda / Adas, Michael (評論)
  3. Book Review: Buddhism in Sinhalese Society, 1750-1900: A Study of Religious Revival and Change by Kitsiri Malalgoda; Sangha and State in Burma: A Study of Monastic Sectarianism and Leadership by E. Michael Mendelson, John P. Ferguson; World Renouncer and World Conqueror: A Study of Buddhism and Polity in Thailand against a Historical Background by S. J. Tambiah / Obeyesekere, Gananath (評論)
  4. Book Review: Buddhism in Sinhalese Society, 1750–1900: A Study of Religious Revival and Change. By Kitsiri Malalgoda. / Gombrich, Richard (著)
  5. Religion and Polity in Theravada Buddhism: Continuity and Change in a Great Tradition. A Review Article / Obeyesekere, Gananath (著)

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