佛教經典=Buddhist Scriptures=Sutra; 妙法蓮華經=法華經=The Lotus Sutra=Saddharma-pundarika Sutra; 咒語=真言=陀羅尼=Mantra; 長行=契經=修多羅=Sutra; 信心=Belief=Faith; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 靜坐=Meditation; 禪修=Meditation; 鎌倉佛教=Kamakura Buddhism=Buddhism of Kamakura Period
Introduction / Richard K. Payne 1 1.Envisioning Kamakura Buddhism / James C. Dobbins 24 2.Koyasan in the countryside: the rise of Shingon in the Kamakura period / George J. Tanabe, Jr. 43 3.Keiranshuyoshu: a different perspective on Mt. Hiei in the medieval period / Allan G. Grapard 55 4.Kamakura Buddhism in the literary tradition / Robert E. Morrell 70 5.What one Kamakura story does: practice, place, and text in the account of Ippen at Kumano / James H. Foard 101 6.Chanting the august title of the Lotus Sutra: daimoku practices in classical and medieval Japan / Jacqueline I. Stone 116 7.Recommending faith in the sand of the mantra of light / Mark T. Unno 167 8.Ajikan: ritual and meditation in the Shingon tradition / Richard K. Payne 219 Glossary 249 Contributors 265 Index 269