四聖諦(Catvari arya-satyani)思想研究 -- 以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心=The Research of Four Noble Truths - Based on Abhidharma Philosophy of Earlier Scholastic Buddhism |
作者 |
楊慧儀 (撰)=Yang, Hui-yi (compose)
出版日期 | 2005 |
頁次 | 125 |
出版者 | 華梵大學東方人文思想研究所 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
校院名稱 | 華梵大學 |
系所名稱 | 東方人文思想研究所 |
指導教授 | 黃俊威 |
畢業年度 | 95 |
關鍵詞 | 四聖諦=Four Noble Truths; 阿毘達磨=Abhidharma; 部派佛教=Earlier Scholastic Buddhism |
摘要 | 本論文題名為:「四聖諦(Catvari arya-satyani)思想研究-以早期部派佛教阿毘達磨為中心」。何謂「四聖諦」?《阿毘達磨集異門足論》:「四聖諦者,一苦聖諦、二苦集聖諦、三苦滅聖諦、四趣苦滅道聖諦」。佛教的根本教義如三法印、八正道、三十七道品以及十二因緣等說,全部可以歸屬苦、集、滅、道的四諦。可見四聖諦在佛法之中所占的重要地位。」 佛教經論眾多,在統貫佛陀教說的佛教典籍-「阿毗達磨」中,論師們如何解四聖諦,非常值得研究。故本論文研究範圍,以代表早期說一切有部思想理論的論書:《阿毗達磨法蘊足論》、《阿毗達磨品類足論》、及代表上座系的論書《舍利弗阿毗曇論》,探究早期說一切有部思想理論體系及其四聖諦思想。 早期部派佛教阿毘達磨思想在它的歷史發展中,對其先行原始佛教學說有所繼承與擴展,因此要探究早期部派佛教先要對原始佛教有所瞭解。為了避免忽略前期思想發展的演變過程,導致研究成果有所疏漏,因此,本論文將探究,北傳的《雜阿含經》和《中阿含經》,用經文對讀的方式,整理出思想發展的體系,以此呈現原始佛教和早期說一切有部,對「四聖諦」思想所探討的特色。
The subject of this thesis is:「" The Research of Four Noble Truths - based on Abhidharma Philosophy of Earlier Scholastic Buddhism "。What are the「Four Noble Truths」?As Abhidharma-sajgīti-paryāya-pāda says, “The truths are that (1)all existence entails suffering;(2)suffering is caused by ignorance, which gives rise to desire and illusion;(3)there is an end to suffering, and this state of no suffering is so called Nirvana and (4)the way to end suffering. The fundamental doctrines of Buddhism, such as the Three Dharma Seals, the Eightfold Noble Path, the Thirty-seven Aspects of Enlightenment and the Dependent Co-arising the twelve nidanas can be all included in these Four Noble Truths. Needless to say, they play very important roles in the main concept of Buddhism. There is a huge amount of Buddhism sutras. Abhidharma is the scripture that systematically abstract those sutras. It is worthwhile to make a research of how the Abhidharma masters explain the Four Noble Truths. Hence, the scope of this thesis is to research on the theoretical system of earlier Vaibhaa.sika and its philosophical thinking of the Four Nobel Truths. As far as the historical development of Buddhism is concerned, Abhidharma of earlier Scholastic Buddhism inherit and expand the theories of the early Buddhism. It is thus so important to have a true understanding about the early Buddhism while we are making research on Scholastic Buddhism. To neglect the early age of philosophical development will definitely lead to the incompleteness of the research result. In order not to make this mistake, I will compare the texts of the《Sajyuktāgama》and 《Madhyamāgama》 in Chinese。. With the expectation of organizing the sophisticated theories, I would like to present the characteristics of the early Buddhism and earlier Vaibhaa.sika’s thoughts about the Four Noble Truths in a logical and systematical way. |
點閱次數 | 1060 |
建檔日期 | 2007.07.31 |
更新日期 | 2023.04.20 |

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