1. On Contemporary Shin Buddhist Thought 2. Author Affiliations: Professor Emeritus Ryukoku University, Kyoto
佛教人物=Buddhist; 佛學研究=佛教學=Buddhist Studies=Buddhology; 淨土宗=Pure Land Buddhism=Shin Buddhism; Buddhist school=宗派; Pure Land=淨土; Sukhavati=極樂世界; Pure Land School=淨土宗; 輪迴=轉世=Reincarnation=Rebirth=Samsara; Amida Buddha=Amitabha Buddha=阿彌陀佛
In this discussion, I have offered three conclusions: 1. Amida Buddha exists as a symbol, and must not be taken to be a substantial entity. 2. Shinjin in Shin Buddhism is a non-dualistic, or, subjective “experience of awakening.” It should not be understood in a dualistic, or, objectifying way. 3. Shin Buddhism is a religion of path, and must not be understood to be a religion concerned with power. I believe that, as long as our understanding of Shin Buddhist doctrine does not clearly return, at least in regard to these three points, to a “true Shin Buddhism,” it will not be accepted or understood well by many persons on the international stage today. Further, anything other than a “true Shin Buddhism” will be unable to speak affirmatively as a religion with a fully developed societal presence or respond to the range of problems that are sure to gush forth from human society in the years to come.