Pure Land Buddhism in China: A Doctrinal History, Chapter Two: The Earliest Period; Chapter Three: Hui-yuan of Mt.Lu; and Chapter Four:The Translation of Texts-Spurious Scriptures
偽經=Spurious Scripture; 淨土=Pure Land; 淨土宗=Pure Land Buddhism=Shin Buddhism; 釋慧遠=Hui-Yuan; Pure Land=淨土; Sukhavati=極樂世界; Kumarajiva=鳩摩羅什; Pure Land School=淨土宗; Nien-Fo San-mei=念佛三昧; Amida Buddha=Amitabha Buddha=阿彌陀佛
CHAPTER II: THE EARLIEST PERIOD 241 1. The Translation of the P’an-shou san-mei ching 241 2. The Translation of the Ta O-mi-t’o ching and the Ping-teng ch’üeh ching 243 3. The Earliest Period of the Pure Land Faith. 246 CHAPTER III: HUI-YUAN OF MT. LU 250 1. The Life of Hui-yuan 250 2. Hui-Yuan’s nien-fo Thought 253 3. The White Lotus Society: Hui-yuan’s Disciples 256 CHAPTER IV: THE TRANSLATION OF TEXTS; SPURIOUS SCRIPTURES 264 1. The O-mi-t’o ching: Kumārajīva 264 2. The Wu-liang-shou ching, the Kuan Wu-liang-shou ching, and Related Texts 267 3. Spurious Scriptures 271