洪洲道一禪學思想研究=Study on Matsu Daoyi's Thinking of Hong Zhou Zen |
作者 |
出版日期 | 2007.11.07 |
出版者 | 河南大學 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 河南, 中國 [Honan, China] |
資料類型 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
校院名稱 | 河南大學 |
系所名稱 | 中國哲學 |
指導教授 | 朱麗霞 |
畢業年度 | 2007 |
關鍵詞 | 馬祖道一=Matsu Daoyi; 洪州宗=Hong Zhou Zen; 即心即佛=heart truth is the Buddha; 非心非佛=non-heart-Buddha; 平常心是道=sense of balance is Buddha |
摘要 | 宗教是人類社會特有的一種文化現象,早在人類邁入文明社會以前,它就深深地紮根於人類的精神世界中。千百年來,人類創造了各種信仰形式,宗教信仰無疑是其中最重要、最有影響力的一種。始創於古代印度的佛教,最關注的問題是尋找人類受苦的根源以及解脫痛苦的方法與途徑,而這種探討始終是與主體的精神世界相關聯的。佛教自漢代從印度傳入中國,作為一種外來文化,佛教與中國傳統的儒道文化相互激盪,不斷融合,形成了具有鮮明特色的中國佛教。中國佛教在魏晉南北朝時漸盛,到唐朝獲得了空前的發展。禪宗是中國佛教最重要的宗派之一,是佛教中國化的典型。馬祖道一是中期禪宗最主要宗派洪州宗的祖師,是中國禪宗的真正代表之一。洪州宗將佛教般若思想與老莊“自然無為”、“任運逍遙”等思想相結合,繼承了“即心即佛”的思想並有所創新,提出了“非心非佛”和“平常心是道”的理論命題,形成自己的思想體系。尤其是“平常心是道”的提出,把現實人心的一切運為活動視作佛性的全部體現,將能動主體的全部物質、精神生活看作如來藏性的直接發揮應用,從而進一步縮短了人與佛之間的距離。它引導人們在平實的生活中任運自然,使萬事萬物體現出其本來面目。洪州禪活潑灑脫、險峻剛強的特色,對人本的關懷,使禪體現出更多的平民化、世俗化、生活化、簡易化等品質,促進了中國禪宗追求大乘入世精神的信仰價值趨向。該思想簡潔敏銳而自成體系,其實踐個性鮮明而內涵深長。本文通過對馬祖道一及其所創立的洪州宗的思想進行較為系統的梳理,突出了洪州禪學的思想特色。全文主體分為六個章節。首先通過導論為後文的敘述做以鋪墊。接著從馬祖道一的生平及其洪州宗的思想淵源入手,分別在以後各章,從洪州道一禪學思想的理論體系、核心、實踐、與老莊道家的對比、興盛的原因等方面進行了較為全面的論述。
Religion is one kind of unique cultural phenomenon in the human society. As early as in humans before entering a civilized society, it is deeply rooted in humanity’s spiritual world. For thousands of years, mankind has created various forms of belief, religion is undoubtedly the most important and influential one. Thanks to the ancient Indian Buddhism, the most concern is to identify the root cause of human suffering and pain relief methods and means. This study has always been the mainstay linked to the spiritual world. Since the Han dynasty, Buddhism was introduced to China from India. As a foreign culture, Buddhism and traditional Chinese Confucian and Taoist culture interacted, continued integration have created a distinctive characteristics of the Chinese Buddhism. Buddhism in China at the Wei-Jin gradually to the Tang Dynasty was an unprecedented development. Zen Buddhism is the most important one of the branches of Buddhism in China typical.Matsu Daoyi as the founder of the Hong Zhou sect ,the most important Zen-sectarian,is one of the true representatives in Zen. Hong Zhou Zen were thinking of Buddhist Prajna and Laozhuang "natural Inaction," "Win-fly" and other ideological combination inherited the "Heart Truth is the Buddha " thinking and innovation. The "non-heart-Buddha" and "sense of balance is Buddha ", the theoretical proposition, develop its own ideology. Especially the "sense of balance is Buddha ", put forward the reality of all the people transported to the activities as Buddha all embody, will be the main dynamic of all spiritual life as material locus of a direct application so as to further shorten and the distance between the Buddha. It guides people in the real-life natural-operation, everything reflected their true colors. Hong Zhou Zen lively lovers, dangerously strong feature on the care and Zen reflect more civilians, secular, life, such as simple quality, and promote the pursuit of Mahayana sect take part in real-life spirit of the values of faith. The thinking is sharp and concise and its practice is full of the character and content of profundity. Based on Matsu and his Hong Zhou Zen’s thinking , trying to highlight the ideological characteristics, the main text is divided into six chapters. First, introduction pave the way so that we can study the adoption of the text described later. From then on is Matsu Daoyi’s life of a case and Hong Zhou Zen ,those are the ideological origins start, the meditative thinking of the theory, the core of practice, and Taoism contrast, prosperity’s reasons for conducting a more comprehensive exposition. |
點閱次數 | 628 |
建檔日期 | 2008.07.01 |
更新日期 | 2015.12.02 |

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