文章利用白璧德的師友和學生寫的白璧德一生治學經歷中有關其治佛學的史料,結合吳宓和胡適等近代學人日記中的一些史料,重點探討了白璧德為學之閱歷與20世紀初葉近代佛學之關系,並考察了白璧德與佛教的關聯,通過這種關聯看當時以白璧德為中心的學術圈的學術興趣與取徑及其對中國留學生的影響。所使用的主要材料是白璧德翻譯的《法句經》以及譯文之後所附的討論佛教與西方關系的長文。挖掘了白璧德與歐美兩位印度學名家蘭曼和烈維學習印度學佛教學的經歷和治學重點。文章認為,白璧德的印度學興趣源於從東方思想中尋找有益因數來補充西方思想的不足,其學術興趣注重於佛教哲學思想及其價值觀。同時,還關注了白璧德的印度學和佛學興趣對20世紀留學哈佛的中國留學生如陳寅恪、湯用彤以及吳宓的影響。 Drawing upon sources in the papers in memory of Irving Babbitt written by his teachers, friends, and students, plus some sources from diaries of several modern Chinese intellectuals, this paper discusses Babbitt's experience in learning Buddhism with Charles Lanman and Sylvain Lévi in early twentieth century and its relationship with modern Chinese Buddhology. In analyzing Babbitt's paper titled “Buddhist and the Occident,” this paper argues that Babbitt's Indology and Buddhology focus on Buddhist philosophy and value system , due to his concern that Buddhist values could contribute the West in terms of new Humanism. This paper also traces the intellectual connection between Babbitt and several modern Chinese Buddhologists such like CHEN Yin-ke , TANG Yong-tong and reveals that these scholars benefited from their conversations with Babbitt . Especially , Babbitt inspires the Buddhologist interest of WU Mi , one of Babbitt’s preeminent followers in China.