
以菩提道的進展駕馭「感官欲望」所營造的倫理思考:以《大般若經.第十二會.淨戒波羅蜜多分》為依據=Ethical Thinking in Coping with Sensual Desires from the Perspective of Progression on the Path to Enlightenment: Based on the 12th Assembly of the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom
作者 蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
出處題名 臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies
頁次61 - 126
出版者國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University
出版者網址 http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntucbs/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞感官欲望=sensual desires; 倫理學=ethics; 菩提道=Path to Enlightenment; 《般若經》=Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom; 淨戒波羅蜜多=?īlapāramitā
This article focuses on the sensual desires which demonstrate a discourse in ethical thinking contextualized in cultivation of enlightenment. In other words, under the context of cultivating in the Path to Enlightenment and from the perspective of coping with sensual desires, this article intends to construct the experience in the ethical thinking concerning sensual desires. As the subtitle states, the main textual source comes from the 12th Assembly of the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom, i.e., the Section on ?īlapāramitā.
There are seven sections in this article. Section one, “Introduction,” brings out the main theme of the research and delineates its outline. Section two, “Literary Review,” summarizes researches of sensual desires in fields such as religious studies, culture studies, inter-religious studies, and Buddhist studies. Section three defines and discusses sensual desires and how sensual activities function in terms of desires. From a grander scope of vision and in a simple way, section four explicates several issues of the Section on ?īlapāramitā, including the main theme, meaning of cultivation, basic questions of concern, aims in ethical thinking, and sublime altitude
arisen. In addition to deciphering the main teachings of the scripture, it also serves as a basis for further ethical discussion. Section five intends to formulate a broader aspect of the skeleton and frame of reference that the Section on ?īlapāramitā reveals regarding the topics related to daily life. Based on the ethical principles of the Section on ?īlapāramitā, section six highlights its ethical thinking and dynamic ethical implementations, especially focusing on the cyclic birth and death resulted from sensual desires and the ethical thinking that the Path to Enlightenment beacons. Section seven concludes the small step this research made and the important findings it revealed. Ethical thinking concerning the sensual desires in the Section on ?īlapāramitā can be summarized in the following six viewpoints. First of all, one of the fundamental principles in the scripture states clearly
that Bodhisattvas cultivate diligently to achieve the unsurpassed
enlightenment. Under the circumstance of not digressing from cultivation, it is acceptable for Householder Bodhisattvas to enjoy sensual desires; it does not violate any precepts of Bodhisattvas in this situation. Second, it is imperative to realize the potential shortcomings to which sensual desires evolve, including kle?a (affliction; defilement) and attachments. Bodhisattvas should not let the shortcomings grow freely and violate precepts or diminish the professional cultivation. Possible preventions should be taken, such as detaching from th
ISSN10271112 (P)

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