《長部‧大念處經》中觀呼吸法門與《瑜伽師地論》中阿那般那念之比較=Compare the practice of breath in "Mahasatipatthana Sutta" in D' gha-niku ya with the way of ānāpāna in Yogacu rabhƏ mi
Observing breath was a practice way in Early Buddhism, sometimes Buddha explained the way singly. But this paper deals with the way of observing breath taught by Buddha from the context of "Mahasatipatthana Sutta" in D ' gha-niku ya. Moreover, later Yogacu rabhƏ mi alos mentioned the way, but what is the difference on practice way between it and "Mahasatipatthana Sutta"? It is necessary to discuss together. There are some works about u nu pu na-smtri of Ə gama in contemporary academic researches, but up to noe no one focuses on u nu pu na-smrti to compare "Mahasatipatthana Sutta" in D ' gha-niku ya with Yogacu rabhƏ mi. Sothis paper has a lead function. Before comparing, we investigate the meaning of u nu pu na-smrti first, separately to understand the original word in Sanskirt and Pali. Next step is to explore the origin of this practice way separately between India and China from historical angle. The practice of counting breath was appeared in Yogacu rabhƏ mi, the way didn't exist in Buddha's era. Why did it develop and change? This paper also takes some research.