
佛教、基督宗教與科學 -- 斯特裏特(Burnett Hillman Streeter)與中西文化交流=Buddhism, Christianity and Science: Burnett Hillman Streeter and Cultural Exchange between China and the West
作者 賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.)
出處題名 輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies
頁次41 - 73
出版者網址 http://www.rsd.fju.edu.tw/
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞基督宗教=BuddChristianity; 佛教=Buddhism; 科學=science; 東方主義=Orientalism
摘要本文嘗試從中西文化交流的視角,對著名聖經學者斯特裏特(Burnett Hillman Streeter, 1874-1937)進行個案研究,探討他對於佛教、基督教和科學的三邊交談的先驅性探索。本文將會提出,斯特裏特對佛教的詮釋基本上是迥異於賽義德(Edward Said)所批判的東方主義(Orientalism)的窠臼;他對於科學與宗教的關係的興趣,左右了他對佛教的詮釋;而他對佛教(主要是當代中國和日本的佛教)的理解,也影響了他對神學、以至基督宗教與自然科學的關係的理解。從中西文化交流的角度而言,斯特裏特不單展示出,基督宗教可與自然科學相融,甚至二者之間有緊密的關係,中國人在吸收西方文化的時候,沒有必要一方面接受西方的科技文明,而另一方面又嚴拒基督宗教。此外,對於基督宗教在西方的信徒來說,在他們探討宗教與自然科學的問題時,不必將注意力完全集中於基督宗教,更不必妄信那種以為東方文化就是神秘而不科學或不理性的觀點,而是可以考慮一下其中(例如佛教)是否也有一定的智慧,有助西方的基督宗教徒面對與自然科學的關係。最後,本文更會對所謂的「中西文化交流」的討論作出批判性的反思,並展望在全球化趨勢下的當走之路。

Religion and Science are two important as well as interesting aspects in the cultural exchange between China and the West. The present paper aims at offering an in-depth study of Burnett Hillman Streeter (1874-1937), who was not only a world-renowned Biblical scholar of his generation but also a pioneer of an underdeveloped field of studies-the dialogue or trilogue of Christianity, Science and Buddhism. This paper focuses on two related aspects of Streeter's work. One is whether and how his interest in the dialogue between theology and science shaped his approach to Buddhism. The other is whether and how his understanding of Buddhism, especially his encounter with the living Buddhists in China and Japan, contributed to the further development of his understanding of the relationship between Christian theology and science. All these make Streeter's interpretation of Buddhism, as this paper argues, significantly differ from the essentialism and textualism characterizing the Orientalism strongly criticized by Edward Said. Streeter's case indicates that Christianity can be compatible with science and it is not necessary for the Chinese to accept western science on the one hand and reject Christianity on the other. Furthermore, Christians in the Western world, when considering the relationship between religion and science, should not focus exclusively on Christianity and science, assuming that "oriental" culture is far less "rational" or "scientific" than the Western. They should be more open to the possibility of learning from "oriental" culture, including Buddhism, even in the area of religion and science. With regard to the cultural exchange between China and the West, Streeter's case may serve as a reminder that China is not merely on the receiving end of this exchange. Chinese culture is able to contribute to cultural development in the West, including possibly Christian theology in the Western world and the discussion concerning theology and science. Furthermore, Streeter's case may further indicate that the exchange between China and the "West", which itself is by no means monolithic, is actually within a wider context of global exchange among various cultural traditions. As Buddhism, Christianity and Science are to different extents "globalized", their encounters and exchanges are also "global" events. In the contemporary world of globalization, a binary or dualistic view of "China vis-à-vis the West" should be replaced by a more global vision of multilateral cultural exchanges among a huge variety of cultural traditions.
目次導言 42
一、斯特裏特的個案 43
二、宗教與科學 48
三、佛教與基督宗教 52
四、人生的目的與意義 58
結語 64
ISSN16820568 (P); 16820568 (E)

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