
自發功的自我導向學習經驗探討: 一個修鍊過程的案例=Exploration of the Self-Directed Learning on Self-generated Chi Kung: Case Study on the Cultivation Procedure One Has Experienced
作者 王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
出處題名 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
卷期v.11 n.1
頁次6 - 10
出版者網址 http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞自發功=self-generated chi kung; 自我導向學習=self-directed learning; 修鍊=cultivation

The idea that Chi Kung is good to health and even curable to illness is accepted wide by people in the country, and the Chi Kung Therapy is also a term very familiar to us. Different diseases could be treated with different ways of Chi Kung, which has been int roduced in some books . The informat ion concerning Chi Kung Teaching is publicized so much in the newspaper or on the internet that many people have tried to take the paid cour ses but most of them only give up halfway regardless of few achieving something. The reason is too many types to remember, which often causes frustration to people to go on. However, among so many types of Chi Kung, there is one called "Self-generated Chi Kung", which could be learned gratis based on selfexploration and -pract ice only that one has to consult with some well-experienced people in order to, on the one hand, avoid going astray and, on the other hand, activate the channels and meridians to keep one's health improved. The procedure is similar to the self-directed learning, promoted by the field of Life Long Education, with emphasis on self-adjusted learning. This kind of learning highlights self-orientation by having good control of all aspects as goal, process, appraisal, sources seeking and time involved. When you are aware that you are learning Self-generated Chi Kung in way of self-directed learning, you will never feel panic or fright ened by the incredible feeling resulting from it. Having the ordinary mind and the comprehension of self-directed learning will help one undo the myth of Self-generated Chi Kung and lead him a healthy life through the smooth channels. Before achieving Enlightenment, Buddha had exper ienced an asceticlife with too much focus on the body discipline to lead himself to collapse at the end. Selfgene rated Chi Kung could be considered as a kind of cultivation yet with more concern on the body discipline. In fact, the key for enlightenment mainly lies on the mind discipline rather than on body. One who, if, believes too much in the miracle effect of body discipline will end up missing the chance of attaining enlightenment.
目次壹、 前言 6
貳、 自發功的學習經歷 7
參、自發功的學習障礙與迷失 8
肆、結語 9
參考文獻 9

ISSN16072952 (P)

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