The `Prajnaparamita-hrdaya-sutra` (般若波羅密 多心經) is not one of the `Vijnanavada's` texts, but Kuei-chi (窺基) in his PPHV 般若波羅密多心經 幽贊) explains its meanings with `Vijnanavada's` theories by means of not only borrowing the theories from LAS (楞伽經),MSA (大乘莊嚴經論) and YCBh (瑜伽師地論) etc.,but also reconstructing their theories as his new theories. Of these the " `atyantika` "(阿顛底伽) appears in PPHV as the Fifth Nature implicating three problems, therefore, I explain in this paper these three problems as follows:(1) Concerning the First Problem of why Kuei-chi omits the "icchantika" (一闡提伽) and "an-icchantika" or "`acchantika` "(阿闡提伽) in PPHV,I deal with the theories of LAs, MAS and YCBh for the purpose of finding out the reason which Kuei-chi claims that "agotra" (無種姓),the Fifth Nature,contains three kinds:"icchantika", "anicchantika" and "atyantika" in his VMSVy[c-k] (成唯識論掌中樞要). (2) The Second Problem is that if Kuei-chi does not support the theories of " `mahakaruna-bodhisattva` "(大悲菩薩),why does he claim in PPHV that "`avaloki-tesvara-bodhisattva` " (觀自在菩薩) has completed Enlightment? Regarding this problem,I deal with the theories of `Saddharmapundarika's` Commentary (法華玄贊),PPHV and YCBh's Commentary (瑜伽論記) for the purpose of proving that Kuei-chi permits the theories of `Mahakaruna-bodhisattva`. (3) The Third Problem is that if Kuei-chi holds that "agotra" is only " `atyantagotra` "(畢竟無種姓),why does he in PPHV not only explain that both 8th and 7th `vijnanas` are good natures, but also select the "buddha-gotra" (佛性) and "`tathagata-garbha` " (如來藏) etc. for the explanations of the naturs of "chien-hsiang-cheng-hsing" (遣相證性),one of the Five `Vijnanavada-perceptions` (五重唯識觀)? For this problem,I first make a comparative table and then explain their meanings for the purpose of understanding that Kuei-chi in PPHV does not hold the Indian "`atyantaparinirvarna-dharma` "(畢竟無 涅槃法).
In CONCLUSION,I offer two keys to solve the above problems:(1) The "atyantika" can connect with either "agotra" or "gotra"; the "`atyantikagatra` " (具畢竟無種姓) and "atyantika-gotra" (具畢竟種姓), The "`atyantika` "in PPHV has these two meanings. (2) The "顛 "of "atyantika" (阿顛底迦) can be interpreted as a misprint of the "闡 "of "anicchnatika" (阿闡底迦). Aside from these two keys, should it be suggested that "agotra" be retrieved as the Fifth Naturs, which contains "icchantika","anicchantika" and "atyantika", claimed by Kuei-chi in his VMSVy[c-k] (樞要).