作者 |
出處題名 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
卷期 | n.5 |
出版日期 | 1992.07 |
頁次 | 193 - 231 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
關鍵詞 | 唐朝; 彌勒信仰; 淨土宗; 佛教; 佛教宗派; 法相宗=Yogacara Buddhism; 天台宗; 禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; 華嚴宗; 律宗; 密宗 |
摘要 | 彌勒信仰約於四世紀時傳入中國,極盛於南北朝,是中 國早期最為流行的淨土法門. 但目前的淨土行者,大都以 西方極樂世界為依歸,對彌勒淨土卻顯得十分陌生. 由彌 勒信仰逐漸轉向彌陀信仰的過程演變,在中國佛教發展史上 無疑是個值得深入研究的課題. 而唐朝可以說是正統的彌 勒信仰由盛趨衰的關鍵時期,更有詳細探討的必要. 本文擬 由宗派方面加以考查,藉以明瞭彌勒信仰在唐代正統佛教中 的發展情形,作為研究的初步. 主有以下幾個重點:
一. 法相宗對彌勒信仰的大力提倡, 二. 淨土宗導致上生信仰日益衰微, 三. 天台宗與彌勒信仰間的互動, 四. 禪宗流傳彌勒的事典及新形象, 五. 華嚴宗借助彌勒菩薩提高地位, 六. 律宗嚮往彌勒益於信仰的流行, 七. 密宗為彌勒信仰注入新的成分.
Around the 4th century CE the cult of Maitreya was introduced into China. Flourishing during the Northern and Southern Dynasties it became the most popular pure land faith in early Chinese Buddhism. Today,however,pure land practitioners strive for rebirth in Sukhavati and have no affinity to Maitreya's pure land. This shift from Maitreya to Amitabha is doubtlessly an aspect of the history of Chinese Buddhism worthy to be researched in depth. The Tang Dynasty which might rightly be called the pivotal period when the Maitreya cult began to decline deserves special attention. The present paper aims at understanding the development of the Maitreya cult within orthodox Tang Buddhism by studying the schools as a first step. The main points covered are:
1. The vigorous propagation of the Maitreya cult by the Dharmalaksana School. 2. Its decline caused by the Pure Land School. 3. The interrelationship between the Tien-tai School and the cult of Maitreya. 4. The new Maitreya image of the Chan School. 5. How the Hua-yen School elevated its position through the cult of Maitreya. 6. The Vinaya School's inclination toward the Maitreya cult for the sake of the propagation of the faith. 7. New aspects of the Maitreya cult introduced by the Esoteric School. |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
研究類別 | 佛教-歷史; 佛教-信仰 |
研究時代 | 唐代 |
研究地點 | 中國 |
點閱次數 | 1437 |
建檔日期 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2017.06.15 |
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