作者 |
出處題名 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
卷期 | n.4 |
出版日期 | 1980.10 |
頁次 | 167 - 186 |
出版者 | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
關鍵詞 | 天台宗; 實相哲學; 性具說; 法華經; 十如是; 一念三千; 智顗 |
摘要 | 筆者認為:天台哲學的根本原理,是在「諸法實相」 四個字,故在本文,對「實相」的看法,提出生命性,普 遍性和精神性三點內容,以闡明十如是的「如」的哲理,同 時對十如是三轉讀的方法乃用表解,以使讀者容易了解三 諦圓融的實相論,這是第一段「實相哲學」的論理. 第二段 的「性具哲學」乃由身心世界各方面來描寫天台全體性原理 的性具思想. 第三段的宇宙哲學,是站在實相哲學上面所展 開的「一心萬象」之天台一念三千論的哲學體系,尤其是對 於「一念心」與「世界萬象」之關係,筆者也站在哲學的立 場,作了一種「一元性」的說明,欲使讀者了解一即一切, 一切即一的天台世界觀的天台世界觀的究竟情形. 由于「實 相」,「性具」,「宇宙」三種哲學思想而組織天台哲學的 原理,是本論文的結構.
Since in my mind the basic principle of T'ien-t'ai philosophy is embodied in the phrase "the real mark of all dharmas, " the first part of the present paper,on the philosophy of the real mark, views the real mark from its existential,universal, and spiritual aspects in order to elucidate the philosophy of suchness as expressed by the "ten thus." The author is using diagrams to facilitate the reader's understanding of the real mark theory in which the three truths perfectly interpenetrate.
The second part deals with the philosophy of comprehensive nature. It describes the T'ien-t'ai idea of comprehensive nature,the principle of entirety,in terms of body,mind,and the world.
In the third part,on cosmic philosophy,the T'ien-t'ai system of "ten thousand worlds in one thought" is developed on the basis of the philosophy of the real mark. The author is explaining the relationship between the mind of one thought and the ten thousand phenomena of the world in a monastic way in order to let the reader realize the ultimate sphere of the T'ien-t'ai Weltanschauung-one is all, and all are one.
Thus the present paper presents the three philosophical ideals of real mark,comprehensive nature,and cosmos which constitute the principles of T'ien-t'ai philosophy. |
目次 | 一、法華經的殊勝地位 167 二、天台哲學的體系 170 三、實相哲學 172 1、實相的原理 172 2、十如是的哲學 176 四、性具哲學 179 五、宇宙哲學 182 六、結言 186
點閱次數 | 1436 |
建檔日期 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2017.08.17 |

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