The Buddha's Mission and Last Journey: Buddhacarita, xv to xxviii |
作者 |
Johnston, Edward Hamilton (譯)
出處題名 |
Acta Orientalia: Ediderunt Societates Orientales Batava Danica Norvegica
卷期 | v.15 |
出版日期 | 1937 |
頁次 | 26 - 62, 85 - 111, 231 - 292 |
出版者 | E. J. Brill |
出版地 | Leiden, the Netherlands [萊登, 荷蘭] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 英文=English; 藏文=Tibetan; 梵文=Sanskrit |
附註項 | 54
目次 | CANTO XV Turning the Wheel of the Law 28 CANTO XVI Many Conversations 36 CANTO XVII Conversation of the Great Disciples 45 CANTO XVIII The Instruction of Anathapindada 50
CANTO XIX The Meeting of Father and Son 85 CANTO XX Acceptance of the Jetavana 92 CANTO XXI Progress of the Mission 99
CANTO XXIII Fixing the Factors of Bodily Life 231 CANTO XXIV Compassion for the Licchavis 238 CANTO XXV The Journey to Nirvana 244 CANTO XXVI The Mahaparinirvana 253 CANTO XXVII Eulogy of Nirvana 266 CANTO XXVIII The Division of the Relics 277 Index 286 |
ISSN | 00016438 (P); 16000439 (E) |
點閱次數 | 363 |
建檔日期 | 1998.04.28
更新日期 | 2021.10.26 |
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