320; Reprinted in "Critical Studies:Institutions in Cultures, Theory and Practice", 155-19. Amsterdam and Atlanta, Georgia:Editions Rodopi, 1996; editors:Robert Lumsden and Rajeev Patke. Also in "Buddhism and Deconstruction," edited by Jin Y. Park.
Derrida, Jacques; Philosophy of Jacques Derrida; Philosophy of Buddhism; Philosophy of Postmodernism
Hua-yen Buddhism's description of a mutually interdependent,groundless universe symbolized by Indra's net has parallels with the postmodern position on textuality. The Buddhist position emphasizes nonduality of self and world,a position,which avoids the problems of relativism. Whereas postmodernism has pointed out the lack of fixed meaning in language and thought,Buddhism extends the analysis to the sense of self as a separate entity felt as lacking groundedness and suggests that a solution may be found through letting go of the sense of self in meditation.