The uses of the four positions of the "Catuskoti" and the problem of the Description of reality in MahayanaBuddhism |
作者 |
Ruegg, David Seyfort (著)
出處題名 |
Journal of Indian Philosophy
卷期 | v.5 n.1-2 |
出版日期 | 1977.09 |
頁次 | 1 - 71 |
出版者 | Springer |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | Berlin, Germany [柏林, 德國] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
關鍵詞 | Epistemology; madhyamika; salvation; logic; truth; Yogacara; self; reality; Buddhism; emptiness; Causation; negation; or; proof |
摘要 |
目次 | I. THE FOUR POSITIONS IN EARLY BUDDHIST THOUGHT 1 II. THE USES OF THE CATUS. KOT. IIN THE MADHYAMAKA 3 1. Causation 3 2. The totality of factors in relative truth 5 3. Atman 7 4. Dependent origination and reality 10 5. The tathagata and nirvana 13 6. The dual function of 'neither... nor' sentences 16 7. The third kot.i and the question o/the coincidence o/opposites 18 8. Inexpressibility and non-duality 18 9. Canonical sources 20 10. The logical structure of the catus.kot.i and its negation 20 III. CONJUNCTION AND NEGATION OF OPPOSED TERMS IN VIJ~.~NAV.~DA DEFINITIONS OF REALITY 22 1. The 'both... and'formula in relation to abhfttaparikalpa and upalabdhi 23 2. The 'neither... nor'formula in relation to abhataparikalpa 25 3. The 'neither... nor'formula and ~fmyata 26 IV. NEGATION OF OPPOSED TERMS IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ABSOLUTE IN THE RATNAGOTRA VIBHAGA 32 V. THE VATSIPUTR]YA CONCEPTION OF THE INDETERMINATE 34 APPENDIX I. COMMENTARIAL INTERPRETATIONS OF MErLAMADHYAMAKAKARIKA 18.8 37 APPENDIXII. SOME MODERN INTERPRETATION OF THE CATUKOTI 39 1. Logical aspects 39
ISSN | 00221791 (P); 15730395 (E) |
點閱次數 | 365 |
建檔日期 | 1998.04.28
更新日期 | 2023.11.03 |
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