The writings regarded as the literature for the Tibetan Book of the Dead in fact are not of one group, because there are four major seats of the Tibetan Buddhism (rNying ma pa, bKa' brgyud pa', Sa skya pa and dGe lugs pa),each has its own the Book for the Dead. According to the report of Colonel Campell, who was the U.K. Administrator in Tibet in 1919: among the different editions of this Book, there are seven versions in rNying ma pa, five in bKa' brgyud pa, six in dGe lugs pa, and even the Tibetan indigenous religion:Bon, also has a Book that is similar to that of the rNying ma pa. So far, the publications that have been available to us are of the rNying ma pa Concerning the Chinese translations, besides that of Mr.Sung Jing-Hon and mine translated from the Tibetan original, others come from the English I translations or from the Tibetan guru's oral recitation. Although it is said that other sects have their own Book, but we have not any idea of the contents. This article is the best selection in my translation,which includes the Preface,the First Clear Light, the Second Clear Light, the Third Clear Light, the Mild Deity and the Fierce Deity Reality Between, the Orientation to the Existence Between, the Blocking a Door of the Womb and the Choosing a Good Womb, and the conclusion, eight sections totally.