Book Review: "The Evolving Mind: Buddhism, Biology, and Consciousness," by Robin Cooper
Jones, Charles B. (著)
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
卷期 v.4
出版日期 1997
頁次 189 - 193
出版者 Department of History & Religious Studies Program , The Pennsylvania State University
出版地 University Park, PA, US
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 The Evolving Mind: Buddhism, Biology, and Consciousness. By Robin Cooper. Birmingham: Windhorse, 1996, 266 pages, ISBN 0-904-76674-8 (paperback), $21.95.
ISSN 10769005 (E)
點閱次數 971
建檔日期 1998.04.28
更新日期 2022.01.27
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