Buddhist Monasticism in European Culture with Special Reference to France |
作者 |
Bhikkhu Pasadika (著)
出處題名 |
Buddhism Into the Year 2000: International Conference Proceedings
出版日期 | 1994 |
頁次 | 131 - 140 |
出版者 | Dhammakāya Foundation |
出版地 | Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國] |
資料類型 | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
附註項 | First International Conference 'Buddhism into the Year 2000', hosted by the Dhammakaaya Foundation Bangkok (Thailand), February 8th, 1990.
關鍵詞 | Vietnamese Linh-Son monastery; abbot Bhikkhu Thich Huyen-Vi; Buddhism in France |
ISBN | 9789748920931 (hc); 9748920933 (hc) |
點閱次數 | 252 |
建檔日期 | 1998.04.28
更新日期 | 2023.12.20 |
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