慈悲=compassion; 智慧=wisdom; 仁=benevolence; 本心=Original mind; 格物致知=The qinvestigation of things
本文主旨在探討大乘菩薩道與儒家倫理之立論基礎. 不論是大乘菩薩道之立論基礎或儒家倫理之立論基礎,無可否認 的,其本身皆存在著發展性,套用近代學界所流行的看法,有所謂的佛教三系說 (如印順法師) 及儒家三系說 (如牟宗三). 但此等三系說,皆各自有其判準,以自宗而非難餘二系. 本文之論述,則非依於此,不僅如此,且進而在反思三系說可能 存在的問題.依本文之研究,在印度佛教大乘菩薩道中,雖有所謂的性空,阿黎耶,如來藏緣起等三種立論,但此等立論皆是基於某 立場來立說的. 縱使一般學界認為性空立論較合乎佛教緣起,但性空本身同樣存在著空自性化之困思. 同樣地,儒家三系說 中,以孔,孟,陸. 王為正宗,而非難朱熹等系,然其本身所標榜的德性主體才能創生,也面臨著礙生之問題. 本文之論述,順著歷史思想的發展性,將各種立論呈現出來,然後再加以反思之. 有關大乘菩薩道的立論基礎,首先, 以《十地經》為切入點,進而探討中觀,唯識,如來藏及天台,華嚴對菩薩道之立論基礎. 在儒家倫理方面,先就《尚書》, 《詩經》來論述,然後探討孔,孟,程朱,陸王等之倫理立論基礎. This article explores the foundations of the Mahayana bodhisattva path and of Confucian ethics. Both of these approaches contain the potential for innovation. In modern scholarship this innovation has found expression in the "Buddhist Third Way" (san-hsi-shuo) -- exemplified by Yin-shun --,and the "Confucian Third Way" -- exemplified by Mou Tsung-san. Both approaches have established standards that entail critiques of the other two "Ways" or "systems". This article does not take this approach, exploring instead problems that may exist in all three systems. In this essay I argue that the three doctrines that form the basis of the Mahayana bodhisattva path in Indian Buddhism -- the emptiness of nature (Skt. prakrtiviwuddhi),alaya-vijbana, and tathagatagarbha -- are all founded on certain assumptions. Even the notion of the "empiness of nature",generally considered more in keeping with Buddhist ideas of dependent origination,entails the reification of emptiness (k'ung tzu-hsing-hua). Similarly,while the "Third Way" of Confucianism accepts as orthodox Confucius, Mencius, Lu Chiu-yuan and Wang Yang-ming,while rejecting Chu Hsi,its dependence on "innate virtue" (te-hsing) creates a number of problems. This article traces the historical progression of these intellectual developments, first clarifying their theoretical underpinnings and then subjecting them to analysis.With respect to the theoretical foundations of the Mahayana bodhisattva path, I begin with a discussion of the Scripture of the Ten Stages (Skt. Dawabhumika-sutra),and then expore the theoretical foundations of the bodhisattva path in Madhyamika, Yogacara, Tathagatagarbha, T'ien-t'ai and Hua-yen thought. With respect to Confucian ethics, I first discuss the Shang shu and Book of Poetry before proceding to explore the theoretical foundations of the thought of Confucius, Mencius, the Ch'eng-Chu School,Lu Chiu-yuan and Wang Yang-ming.