普魯士皇家第一次(即德國第二次)新疆吐魯番考察隊的緣起, 行程和收穫=A Short Account of the Origin, Journey, and Results of the First Royal Prussian (Second German) Expedition to Turfan in Chinese Turkistan
In the beginning of this century, Germany had even sent four expeditions to Xinjinag(Chinese Turkistan), northwestern China. Among them, the second, third, and fourthexpeditions were led by A. V. Le Cop, this article was a short account of the second German (the frist Royal Prussian) expeditionary activities. In this article, firstly, Le Coqsummarized the other western countries expeditionary activities in this region before this expedition, then, he made a introduction of the origin, journey, expeditionary activities,and results of the second German expedition in great details, specially, he paid more attention to researching some ancient arts and languages of Central Asia found in this region, andclassified and analyzed them systematically with the comparisons with the other places’,findings. It was his discoveries that many western scholars began to pay more attention tothis region. Another, in this article, we also can discover some conflcting relationshipanong western explorers for scrambling amcient oriental treasures in this region at that time.