Summary Shengchang of Northern Song Dynasty integrated the contents of Huayan and Pure Land sutras, and imbibed the doctrines of Huayan and Pure Land Schools to promote a new theory of Pure Land faith, in early years of Southern Song Dynasty,Yiho proposed the Huayan Pure Land philosophy of similar nature. The objects of worship as well as the contents and purpose of practice proposed by these theories are not necessary the same as or even contradictory to those recorded in some traditional Buddhist sutras, yet they were not boycotted and,nevertheless, provided basis for the co-existence of various sutras and different philosophies. These two mixed types of Pure Land doctrine widely met the needs of the different social strata, and,in particular,received the positive response from the intellectuals with stronger influence and appealing. Through integration,re-arrangement and innovation,these kinds of Pure Land faith were to educate the people of different strata to abide by their own positions, to fulfill their duties, to co-ordinate interpersonal relationships, and to safeguard social order.