The academic motive/purpose of the thesis is to build a system of philosophy, which can react the challenge or check from modern academic field, to illuminate “complicated cases in Dhyana Sect”(禪宗公案). Moreover, making such a research clear by delimiting the appropriate categories concerned, revealing the great inner meanings, paving a golden way to the construction of the approaches pointing to the thoughts of the cases—all these will make this thesis academically valuable. This research focuses on those cases’ thoughts about buddhistic ontology (佛性本體論), boundary (修證境界論), and practices (修行工夫論). By means of the three categories of philosophy—body (體), appearance (相), practice (用), given the tremendous related documents and the writer’s limited horizon, “Ching Te Chuan Teng Lu” (景德傳燈錄) is chosen as the only target texture here, but other data is covered by making much reference to modern scholars’ research as well as other documents of Dhyana Sect (禪宗). The structure of my system, mainly inspired by the theory of “Tzung Mi Zen Chiao unanimity” (宗密禪教一致), makes approaches to the triad of categories (體相用三範疇) developed from the bond of Law (法) and Meaning (義) in “Ta Sheng Chi Hsin Lun” (大乘起信論). This unanimity is chiefly placed in the positions of “probing Zenism by teaching” (以教證禪) and “Zenism and teaching benefit mutually” (禪教相資); my approach is in the system of illumination of Zenism by discussing “Ta Sheng Chi Hsin Lun” (大乘起信論) and categorization (範疇論禪). A large premium is put on this fact: the Law (法) in “Mo Ho Yen”(大乘佛法)is exactly “shared mentality” (眾生心), which can contain every mortal law or transcendental one, being so-called “Reality”(實相). The category of “ Enlightening“(悟)is referred to in my thesis. The triad of categories (體相用三範疇) in my thesi