
Religions of Asia in Practice:An Anthology
作者 Lopez, Donald Sewell, Jr.
出版者Princeton University Press
出版者網址 http://pup.princeton.edu/
出版地Princeton, NJ, US [普林斯顿, 紐澤西州, 美國]
附註項Series:Princeton reings in religions.
關鍵詞Religious Life; Asian Religion; 亞洲佛教=Asia Buddhism;
Religions of India in Practice
Introduction:A Brief History of Religions in India by Richard H. Davis
1. Bengali Songs to Kali by Rachel Fell McDermott
2. Women's Celebration of Muhammad's Birth by Marcia Hermansen
3. Encountering the Smallpox Goddess:The Auspicious Song of Sitala by Tony K. Stewart
4. Jain Stories Inspiring Renunciation by Phyllis Granoff
5. Mother Ten's Stories by Ann Grodzins Gold
6. The Life of Guru Nanak by Hew McLeod
7. Ascetic Withdrawal or Social Engagement by Patrick Olivelle
8. The Exemplary Devotion of the "Servant of Hari" by Tony K. Stewart
9. The Origin of Linga Worship by Richard H. Davis

Buddhism in Practice
Introduction by Donald S. Lopez,Jr.
10. Consecrating the Buddha by Donald K. Swearer
11. Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha by Daniel Boucher
12. The Whole Universe as a Sutra by Luis O. Gomez
13. The Book of Resolving Doubts Concerning the Semblance Dharma by Kyoko Tokuno
14. Auspicious Things by Charles Hallisey
15. Daily Life in the Assembly by T. Griffith Foulk
16. Awakening Stories of Zen Buddhist Women by Sallie B. King
17. Death-Bed Testimonials of the Pure Land Faithful by Daniel B. Stevenson

Religions of China in Practice
Introduction:The Spirits of Chinese Religion by Stephen F. Teiser
18. Laozi:Ancient Philosopher,Master of Immortality,and God by Livia Kohn
19. The Lives and Teachings of the Divine Lord of Zitong by Terry F. Kleeman
20. A Sutra Promoting the White-robed Guanyin as Giver of Sons by Chun-fang Yue
21. Body Gods and Inner Vision:The Scripture of the Yellow Court by Paul W. Kroll
22. Teachings of a Spirit Medium by Jean DeBernardi
23. Spellbinding by Donald Harper
24. Record of the Feng and Shan Sacrifices by Stephen Bokenkamp
25. The Law of the Spirits by Valerie Hansen
26. Shrines to Local Former Worthies by Ellen Neskar
27. The Scripture in Forty-two Sections by Robert H. Sharf
28. The Scripture on Perfect Wisdom for Humane Kings Who Wish to Protect Their States by Charles Orzech
29. Stories from an Illustrated Explanation of the Tract of the Most Exalted on Action and Response by Catherine Bell

Religions of Tibet in Practice
Introduction by Donald S. Lopez,Jr.
30. The Royal Way of Supreme Compassion by Matthew Kapstein
31. Guidebook to Lapchi by Toni Huber
32. The Yogin Lorepa's Retreat at Lake Namtso by Nalanda Translation Committee
33. A Fasting Ritual by Roger Jackson
34. The Regulations of a Monastery by Jose Ignacio Cabezon
35. A Prayer for Deliverance from Rebirth by Donald S. Lopez,Jr.
36. Turning Back Gossip by Matthew Kapstein
37. A Prayer Flag for Tara by Donald S. Lopez,Jr.

Religions of Japan in Practice
Introduction by George J. Tanabe,Jr.
38. Kaibara Ekken's Precepts on the Family by Mary Evelyn Tucker
39. A Refutation of Clerical Marriage by Richard Jaffe
40. The Contemplation of Suchness by Jacqueline I. Stone
41. Chido's Dreams of Buddhism by William M. Bodiford
42. The Confucian Monarchy of Nara Japan by Charles Holcombe
43. Nationalistic Shinto:A Child's Guide to Yasukuni Shrine by Richard Gardner
44. The Founding of Mount Koya and Kukai's Eternal Meditation by George J. Tanabe,Jr.
45. Motoori Norinaga on the Two Shrines at Ise by Mark Teeuwen
46. Sasaki Shoten:Toward a Postmodern Shinshu Theology by Jan Van Bragt
47. Contemporary Zen Buddhist Tracts for the Laity:Grassroots Buddhism in Japan by Ian Reader
ISBN0691090602; 0691090610 (pbk)

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