
Tsongkhapa's Six Yogas of Naropa=Zam lam Naa-ro'i chos drug gi sgo nas 'khrid pa'i rim pa yid ches gsum ldan 'zes bya ba. English
作者 Mullin, Glenn H. ; Mullin, Glenn H. ; Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzan-grags-pa=宗喀巴
出版者Snow Lion Publications
出版者網址 http://www.snowlionpub.com/
出版地Ithaca, NY, US [伊薩卡, 紐約州, 美國]
使用語言英文=English; 藏文=Tibetan
附註項Edition: 1st US ed.
關鍵詞Naadapaada; Yoga of Tantric Buddhism, Early Works to 1800; Naa-ro chos drug
Tsongkhapa and the Lineage of the Six Yogas
The Buddhist Tantric Tradition in India
The Legacy of the Six Yogas
The Six Yogas, Three Bardo States, and Nine Blendings
Lama Tsongkhapa's A Book of Three Inspirations

Section One of Tsongkhapa's Text
The Preliminary Trainings Associated with the General Mahayana
The General Tantric Preliminaries
The Tantric Preliminaries Unique to the Six Yogas System
The Generation Stage Yogas
Introduction to the Nature of the Mind
Introduction to the Nature of the Body
The Physical Exercises and Meditations upon the Empty Shell Body

Section Two of Tsongkhapa's Text
The Inner Heat Yoga
The Illusory Body Yoga
The Bardo Yoga
The Clear Light Yoga
The Consciousness Transference Yoga
The Forceful Projection Yoga
Concluding Notes

The Six Yogas of Naropa in English Translation
The Seventh Dalai Lama's Prayer to the Six Yogas Lineage
Some Historical Lineage Considerations
A Parting Perspective on Tsongkhapa the Great

A Book of Three Inspirations:A Treatise on the Stages of Training in the Profound Path of Naro's Six Dharmas by
I. The preliminary meditations, which build the foundations of this path
A. The preliminaries that are general meditations derived from the common Mahayana teachings
1. Why it is necessary for training in this tradition to be preceded by training in the practices of the
2. The actual stages of training the mind in that path
B. The preliminaries that belong exclusively to the highest yoga tantra tradition
1. The general Vajrayana preliminaries
a. Why it is necessary to receive the complete empowerments
b. Why it is necessary to observe the tantric precepts
2. The preliminaries; emphasized in this Naropa system

II. Having established the preliminaries, how to train in the actual tantric meditations
A. The meditations of the generation stage yogas
B. The meditations of the completion stage yogas
1. The nature of the basis
a. The nature of the mind
b. The nature of the body
2. The explanation of the stages of traversing the path
a. The meditations upon the physical exercises, together with the meditation upon the body as empty
i. The meditations on the physical exercises
ii. The meditations on the body as an empty shell
b. The stages of meditating upon the actual path
i. The manner of structuring the path
ii. The stages of being guided on the path
-A- The essence of the basic principles in the guidelines of the path
-1- The essence of the actual path
-a- Arousing the four blisses by means of drawing the vital energies into the central channel
i. The inner condition of the meditations on the inner heat doctrine
(-A-) Meditating upon the inner heat in order to draw the vital energies into the central channel
(-1-) How to meditate on the inner heat yoga
(-a-) Meditating by means of visualizing the channels
(-b-) Meditating by means of visualizing mantric syllables
(-c-) Meditating by means of engaging the vase breathing technique
(-2-) Having meditated in this way,how to cause the vital energies to enter,abide and dissolve within
(-B-) Having brought in the energies, the methods of arousing the four blisses
(-1-) The nature of the signs that arise,and the blazing of the inner fire
(-2-) How the bodhimind substances are melted and the four blisses induced
(-3-) The manner of meditating upon the innate wisdom
-ii- The external condition of relying upon a karmamudra
-2- Having aroused the four blisses, how to engage in the meditations on the illusory body and clear light
-i- The general principles of how,in reliance upon the inner heat doctrine,one meditates on the
-ii- The manner of meditating on the individual paths
(-A-) How to meditate on the illusory body doctrine
(-1-) How to meditate on all appearances as illusory

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