The Tantric Ritual of Japan--Feeding the Gods:The Shingon Fire Ritual |
作者 |
Payne, Richard Karl
出版日期 | 1991 |
頁次 | 350 |
資料類型 | 書籍=Book |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
附註項 | Series:Satapitaka Series No. 365. |
關鍵詞 | 佛教人物=Buddhist; 曼陀羅=曼荼羅=壇城=Mandala; 密續=Tantra; 種子=bija |
目次 | Preface I. Introduction II. History of the Shingon tradition 1. Traditional history:lineage of the patriarchs 2. Origin and transmission of Buddhist Tantra 3. Indian origins 4. Transmission to China 5. Transmission to Japan 6. Shingon in Japan III. History of the Goma ritual 1. Agni,The Vedic fire god 2. Indo-European parallels to Agni 3. Vedic fire rituals 4. Between Vedas and China 5. The Goma in Japan IV. Ritual use of fire in Japan 1. Japanese fire rituals 2. The Shugendo Saito Goma 3. Saito Gomas in Agon-shu 4. Shinto fire rituals 5. The howling Goma 6. The variety of Tantric Buddhist Gomas V. Rituals of the Shido Kegyo 1. The two mandalas 2. The four rituals 3. Schedule of training 4. Function of the Goma in training 5. The nature of the practitioner 6. The path along which the practitioner advances 7. The relation of the practitioner to others 8. The nature of the world 9. The nature of the goal VI. Setting,implements and materials VII. Basic structure of the Shido Kegyo rituals VIII. Ritual directions for the Santika Homa IX. Analytic description of the Fudo Myoo Soku Sai Goma X. Conclusions 1. Hubert and Mauss 2. Turner and Douglas 3. Ritual systems and social systems 4. Staal 5. Kirk and Fontenrose Appendix 1. Descriptive structural analysis of the Juhachi do ritual 2. Descriptive structural analysis of the Kongo Kai ritual 3. Descriptive structural analysis of the Taizo Kai ritual 4. Descriptive structural analysis of the Fudo Myoo Soku Sai Goma Ritual 5. Sanskrit equivalents of the Mantras 6. Siddham script of the Bija Mantras and the Aksara Cakra diagram 7. Illustrations |
點閱次數 | 829 |
建檔日期 | 2002.06.24
更新日期 | 2022.04.07 |
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