作者 |
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
出版日期 | 1985.10.12 |
頁次 | 160 |
出版者 | Random House, Inc. |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國] |
資料類型 | 書籍=Book |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
關鍵詞 | 藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 佛教教義=Buddhist Doctrines=Buddhist Teachings; Tantric Buddhism; |
目次 | Introduction "Intensifying Devotion in One's Heart" by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye The Tantric Practitioner Vajra Nature Mandala Nontheistic Energy Transmission The Vajra Master Visualization Body, Speech, and Mind The Five Buddha Families Abhisheka Being and Manifesting The Question of Magic The Tantric Journey Anuttara Yoga Maha Ati "Lord Marpa's Praise to the Gurus"
ISBN | 0877733341; 0394741943 |
點閱次數 | 495 |
建檔日期 | 2004.04.09
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