
Joy for the World: A Buddhist Play by Candragomin
作者 Hahn, Michael ; 月官菩薩=Candragomin
出版者Dharma Publishing
出版者網址 http://www.dharmapublishing.com/
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
關鍵詞尸羅=戒=command=Precept=sila=morality=rule=discipline=prohibition; 布施=宗教捐獻=寺廟募款=Dana=Donation; 本生經=Jataka; 石窟=cave; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 法師=Master; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 菩薩=Bodhisattva; 菩薩道=菩薩行=The Bodhisattva Path=The Bodhisatta Path; 慈悲心=Compassion=Metta=Loving Kindness=Maitri; 福報=福田=功德=Virtue=Merit; 闍陀迦=本生=Jataka; 戲劇=Drama; 寶行王正論=Ratnavali=Rajaparikatharatnavali
摘要A masterpiece by a great master of the Mahayana, one of the finest poets and scholars of his age, Joy for the

World tells the Jataka tale of Manichuda, a prince who practiced the virtue of generosity. Recounted in the stylized,

dramatic form perfected in classical India, this work succeeds on several levels at once: as a work of art, a moral and

philosophical discourse, and a keen presentation of the human psyche. Dr. Michael Hahn's clear English captures the humor,

pathos, and joy of this ancient love story. Joy for the World beautifully expresses the significance of the Bodhisattva path

for modern Dharma students and presents a memorable image of the ideal of selfless compassion.
From Act Two: Manicuda: "Is there then any place more worthy of praise than the forest? Listen here! Could that same joy

then rule supreme in the precincts and quarters of the heavenly Nandana grove, where the slates and rock slabs are as soft

as the buttocks of the female deities - joy such as is felt in woodlands, lonely, lovely, and blessed, where droves of

gazelles dwell and romp in their abundant innocent charm. And furthermore, my friend: The vast and vaulted mountain caves,

wondrously deep and blessed by the presence of human beings rich in austerities, girded by verdant forest borders and near

the banks of rivers, appear to call out to the wayfarers in the voices of waterfalls, sweet as tambourines: 'We lie beyond

all reach of the fire of defilements!' " Ratnavali (to herself): "Alas, how somber is his talk!" Gautama: "Oh you who are so

devoid of compassion - you have not the slightest feeling of sympathy for those of your family!" Manicuda: "As for sympathy

for my earthly relatives, the matter stands as follows: All human beings are heir and subject to constant flux and change.

They come into being moment after moment like lamps of oil and soon perish once again
ISBN089800148X (hc)

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