
佛教《六方禮經》之倫理觀探析=Explorative Analysis on Ethics of Buddhist 6-Aspect Rites Scriptures
作者 邱敏捷 (著)=Chiu, Min-chieh (au.)
出處題名 正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
頁次65 - 100
出版者網址 http://www.tt034.org.tw/
出版地南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞《六方禮經》=6-Aspect Rites Scriptures; 佛教=Buddhism; 倫理學=ethics; 善生=good deeds
摘要《六方禮經》乃佛教倫理學的重要經典之一,其內容係就親子、師生、夫婦、親友、 主從、僧俗等「六方」人際相互對待之「應然」關係,提出行為準則。在「親子倫理」上,該經規範「子對父」有奉養所需、豐足生活與益其心志之責任;「父對 子」則有愛護照顧、教育成人、完就婚嫁的義務。在「師生關係」上,要求「生對師」務尊禮懷恩、敬送束修、敏於受教;而「師對生」則要勤於授業、擅解疑惑、 善教勝師。在「夫婦關係」上,期許「夫對妻」應愛敬有加、委付家內、自律專情;而「妻對夫」則要敬順善待、貞淑守德。在「親友關係」上,希冀親友之間互敬 相濟、勸善規過。在「主僕關係」上,規範「主對僕」須照顧無遺、適才適用、制度合宜、利益共享;「僕對主」有嚴守職分、細心奉迎之德。在「僧俗關係」上, 明列「俗對僧」宜誠心尊禮、敬施供養;至於「僧對俗」則有教誨善法、身教度世之本分。可以說,《六方禮經》具有(一)適應世俗社會的生活需要,(二)強調 平等互敬的對待關係,(三)重視文化傳承的學術意涵等三項特質。

The work, 6-Aspect Rites Scriptures is one of the important scriptures of Buddhist ethics. Its contents cover the proposed behavioral criteria for “6 aspects” of the “take-it-for-granted” human interacting relationships, namely parent and child, teacher and student, husband and wife, relatives and friends, master and servant, monk and worshipper. Over “the ethics between parent and child,” the scriptures regulate the responsibilities of “son to father” that the son should satisfy the needs of his father, enrich his life and make him feel good. As to the responsibilities of “father to son,” the father is obliged to take care of his son, educate him to be an adult, and let him marry a wife. Over the “relationship between teacher and student,” the scriptures regulate the responsibilities of “student to teacher” that the student should respect the teacher, be thankful to him, and be willing to be taught. As to the responsibilities of “teacher to student,” the teacher has to be hardworking in instruction, solve problems for students, be good at teaching, and be a competent teacher. Over the “relationship between husband and wife,” the scriptures regulate the responsibilities of “husband to wife” that the husband has to love his wife, authorize home affairs to her, and be self-disciplined to love his wife solely. As to the responsibilities of “wife to husband,” the wife should be submissive, kind, loyal, and treat his husband well. Over the “relationship between friends and relatives,” the scriptures expect the exchange of good things, advice of good deeds and indication of bad behaviors. Over the “relationship between master and servant,” the scriptures regulate the responsibilities of “master to servant” that the master has to take good care of his servant, appoint him properly, set suitable system for him, and share benefits with him. As to the responsibilities of “servant to master,” the servant has to fulfill his duties strictly and please his master patiently. Over the “relationship between monk and worshipper,” the scriptures regulate the responsibilities of “worshipper to monk” that worshipper should be faithful, honest and respectful to monk, and give him offerings. As to the responsibilities of “monk to worshipper,” the monk has to instill him with the right laws, and teach them the ways of living in the world. It can be said that the work, 6-Aspect Rites Scriptures has 3 characteristics: (1) It meets the needs of people in the society. (2) It stresses the relationship of equal treatment and mutual respect. (3) It emphasizes cultural inheritance and academic implications.
目次壹、前言 66
貳、《六方禮經》之緣起與版本問題 67
參、《六方禮經》倫理觀之內涵 70
一、親子倫理 71
二、師生倫理 75
三、夫婦倫理 79
四、親友倫理 83
五、主僕倫理 84
六、僧俗倫理 87
肆、《六方禮經》倫理觀之特質 90
一、適應世俗社會的生活需要 91
二、強調平等互敬的對待關係 91
三、重視文化傳承的學術意涵 92
伍、結語 93
ISSN16099575 (P)

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