
智顗大師止觀修證歷程之研究 -- 以「賢山潛修」至「天台圓悟」時期為主=The Research on Master Chi-Yi's Process of Enlightenment through the Approach of Chih-Guan (Ceasing and Penetrating): Mainly on the Period in the Reclusion in Da-xien Mountain and the Enlightenment in Tien-tai Complete Enlightenment
作者 釋性廣 (著)=Shih, Shing-kuang (au.)
出處題名 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
頁次155 - 190
出版者網址 http://ird.hcu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項作者為中央大學哲學博士候選人,東吳大學兼任講師=Ph.D. Candidate of Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Part-time Lecturer, Soochow University.
關鍵詞信願法門=he Gate of faith and determination; 法華三昧=a Hua San Mei (saddharma-pun红d红arīka-samādhi); 旋陀羅尼=ircle dharnani; 法華有相行=a Hua practice with the differences; 法華無相行=a Hua practice without the differences

This essay aims to analyze Chih-yi’s process of practice and the confines of enlightenment, since his ordination to the period of his seclusion in Tien-tai, as the basis to comprehend Tien-tai’s thought of Yuen-dun-chihguan. The academic field has emphasized much more on Tien-tai’s thought and meanings, and those people whose research topic is Chih-kuan pay less attention on or even neglect Chih-yi’s practice experience and the confines of his enlightenment. According to my research, his practice experience of Chih-kuan has profound impact upon his explanation about traditional Indian meditation and the construction of his own Tian-tai Yuan-dun-chi-kuan, no matter in content, methods, or the frame. This article divides Chih-yi’s learning and practice process into four stages since his ordination to the period of his seclusion in Tien-tai. First, when he just became a monk, he lived in seclusion in Da-xien Mountain, holding the themes of faith and practice of Fa Hua as his main method; he had ever seen the appearance of his transcendence. Second, during the period of his learning, he followed Huei-shi’s instruction. Under his guidance, Chih-yi got circle dharnani (旋陀羅尼) and had the proof of the phenomena of Elementary yet Skilful Means of Fa Hua San Mei (saddharma-pun红d红arīkasamādhi). Third, in his adulthood, taking the order of his teacher, he went to Jin-ling and delivered speeches on meditation. Meanwhile, Chih-yi wrote a meditation book mainly on The Order of Entering the Gate of Meditation, because his enlightenment experience of meditation based on the non-stepby-step method brought him into the step-by-step meditation refines. Fourth, during the period of his seclusion in Tien-tai, living an ascetic life in Huading-fong, he ever met a magical monk, who told him the dharma and supported him. Furthermore, Chih-yi applied this experience and enlightenment of perceiving the Truth as the basis to write Mo He Zhi Kuan, the representative work of Tien-tai sect’s Yuen-Dun-Zhi-Kuan. Based on the above analysis and compared with the classification of the three main practices of Mahayana Buddhism made by Nāgārjuna, we know Chih-yi’s experience of Zhi-Kuan practice and enlightened refines belongs to Mahayana practice methods -- mainly the themes of faith & practice and wisdom & understanding. This is also the origin of the thought -- “growing the complete belief” and “developing the complete practice”-- in Mo He Zhi Kuan.
目次一、前言 159
二、賢山潛修:修信願行與得見勝相 160
三、大蘇妙解:得陀羅尼與證法華境 166
四、金陵弘法:講演般若與傳次第禪 178
五、天台圓悟:華頂奇遇與入一實相 187
六、結論 188
ISSN18133649 (P)

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