Framing Freud on religion/ Gregory Kaplan and William B. Parsons Desiderata and possibilities for the psychological study of religion: how to enlarge the place of Freudian thought in religious studies/ Jacob A. Belzen When throne and alter are in danger: Freud, mourning, and religion in modernity/ Diane Jonte-Pace Love the mother, hate the father: understanding sociology's vehement rejection of Freud on religion/ Michael P. Carroll Of chariots, navels, and winged steeds: the dialogue between psychoanalysis and Buddhism/ William B. Parsons Freud and neuroscience: a return to origins/ Kelly Bulkeley Freud and philosophy of religion after metaphysics/ Gregory Kaplan "The Jewish people does not dream": the paradoxes of identification, or Martin Buber and Sigmund Freud on the meaning of Judaism/ Bettina Bergo Freudian unconscious and secularization of Judaism/ Jean-Joseph Goux