本文利用佛教(漢傳與南傳)、耆那教的記載並且參考印度與中國學者的相關著述對沙門思潮的代表性人物及思想進行比較詳細的論述。其中重點論述、分析了富蘭那‧迦葉的無作為論、婆浮陀‧伽旃那的七元素說、阿耆多‧翅舍欽婆羅的無作為論與散惹耶‧毗羅梨子的懷疑論。佛教與它們共同構成沙門思潮,一方面它們與婆羅門教形成對立並互相鬥爭,另一方面沙門思潮各個教(學)派之間也存在著矛盾與鬥爭。佛教正是在與其他諸種學說、思潮的碰撞、鬥爭中不斷壯大豐富自己,從而發展成為世界宗教的。 This paper focuses on expounding main sramana thinkers and their thoughts by making full use of Buddhist (Northern and Southern) and Jainism records, related resources of Indian and Chinese scholars. It consists of discussion and analysis of Akriyavada of Purana Kassapa, Satta-kaya of Pakudha Kaccayana, Akriya-vadin of Ajita Kesakambali, Scepticism of Sanjaya Belatthiputta. Buddhism is one sect of the sramana tradition, on the one hand, they opposed to and fought against the Brahmanism together,...