榆林窟第25窟八大菩薩曼荼羅圖像補遺=Supplementary notes of the presentations of the mandala with Vairocana and the Eight Great Bodhisattvas in Cave 25 at Yulin Grottoes
Checking thoroughly out of photograph data that had taken inside of Dunhuang Grottoes by Mr. LUO Jimei round 1940, a full-scaled picture on the front wall of Cave 25 YulinGrottoes which are presentation of Vairocana and the Eight Great Bodhisattvas are well-preserved there, for the well-known reason that the mural painting of this cave are not well-preserved and some parts are missing, therefore the picture took by LUO Jimei value are very precious. On this basis, combined with the existing mural paintings and Mr. LUO’s photograph and the early years records by Mr. Langdon Warner and Mr. XIE Zhiliu, we had opportunity to have the images patched-up and restoration into wholesome. In the full release of the images, the relevant issues are described and discussed.