Introduction 235-240 Training monks or men: Theravada monastic education, subnationalism and the national Sangha of China 241-272 Where do commentarial schools come from? Reflections on the history of Tibetan scholasticism 273-297 The art of reading and teaching Dhammapadas: reform, texts, contexts in Thai Buddhist history 299-337 "Texts memorized, texts performed: a reconsideration of the role of paritta in Sri Lankan monastic education" 339-367 The vagrant poet and the reluctant scholar: a study of the balance of iconoclasm and civility in the biographical accounts of two founders of the 'Brug pa 'bKa brgyud lineages 369-410 Materials for a Mādhyamika critique of foundationalism: an annotated translation of Prasannapadā 55.11 to 77.13 411-467 Book review: John S. Strong, Relics of the Buddha. Buddhisms: A Princeton University Press Series. Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford 2004. ISBN 0-691-11764-0. 469-472 Report on the XIVth conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 473-476