陜北宋金石窟題記內容分析=Interpreting the Inscriptions in the Song and Jin dynasty Caves in North Shaanxi |
作者 |
李靜杰=Li, Jing-jie
出處題名 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
卷期 | n.3 (總號=n.139) |
出版日期 | 2013.06 |
頁次 | 103 - 115 |
出版者 | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
附註項 | 作者單位:清華大學美術學院。
關鍵詞 | 陜北宋金石窟題記=Contents of grottoes of Song and Jin dynasties in north Shaanxi; 施主=Benefactors; 工匠=Artisans |
摘要 | 本稿基於陜北宋金石窟題記資料,分析了石窟的施主身份、工匠班底、住持與經營、開鑿背景四方面內容。認為石窟施主可以劃分為家族、結社、軍人、軍民類型,前兩者開鑿洞窟以小型為主,兼有大中型號,所在地點多比較偏僻,周圍環境易於形成相對獨立的居住區,後兩者開鑿洞窟多數屬於大型和超大型,個別為中型,大多處在重要交通線經過的山谷之中,往往與軍事城寨伴生。各種施主普遍祈求天下太平、闔家安樂、亡者升天,反映了戰亂不安的社會環境。北宋晚期至金代早期,活動著以鄜州介端、介處為首的介氏家族工匠班底,以及延長王志為首的工匠班底,他們持有較高的雕刻技藝,擁有較大的活動範圍。還有散見的其他工匠班底,其中以王信為首工匠班底代表了當時最高水準。這些工匠班底都出自民間,他們自發地從事開窟造像事業,以此為謀生之道。少許題記表明,伴隨石窟開鑿也就出現住持僧人,有的石窟寺院具有豐厚田產。陜北宋金石窟在宋、夏對峙的戰爭氛圍中獲得巨大發展,軍人參與開鑿石窟,石窟與城寨關聯,金人據有陜西後延續了這種慣性,不尋常的社會環境賦予了陜北宋金石窟特殊的內涵。
Based on the inscriptions in the Song and Jin dynasty caves in north Shaanxi, this paper analyzes the donor’s social status, artisans, organizers, and the construction background. It argues that the donors can be divided into four groups: family members, community members, army men, and those with dual roles, both military and civilian. The first two groups mainly contributed to smaller grottoes and individual large or medium caves in rural places where it was relatively easy to form an independent residential area. The last two groups mostly contributed to large and very large caves and individual medium caves, most situated in the valleys along vital travel routes, co-existing with military fortresses. The donors prayed for peace and a happy life for their families, which reflected the then unstable social condition.From the late Northern Song dynasty to the early Jin dynasty, both Family members of Jie led by Jie Duan and Jie Chu in Fu County and artisans led by Wang Zhi from Yanchang County had high engraving techniques and were active in an extensive region. There were other artisan groups too, and among them the group led by Wang Xin represented the highest technical level. These artisan groups came from folk sources, and they spontaneously constructed caves and created statues to make a living. A few inscriptions indicate that along with the construction of the caves, Buddhist monks appeared and some cave temples owned much land. The Song and Jin dynasty caves in north Shaanxi were developed rapidly during the war between the Song and Jin. The soldiers also participated in building the caves to connect them with their fortresses. This practice was followed by the Jin people after the Jin dynasty took control of Shaanxi. Therefore, the Song and Jin dynasty caves in north Shaanxi possessed special meaning owing to unusual social environments. |
目次 | 一、石窟的施主身份 104 二、石窟的工匠班底 110 三、石窟的住持與經營 113 四、石窟的開鑿背景 114
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
點閱次數 | 396 |
建檔日期 | 2014.03.27 |
更新日期 | 2018.05.21 |

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