
中古時代瑞應圖書的源流:敦煌文獻與日本寫本的綜合考察=The Origin and Development of Books on Ruiying (omen) in Medieval China: Integrated Studies on the Basis of Dunhuang and Japanese Manuscripts 4:15-5:15 Panel 7: Tibetan Manuscri
作者 余欣 (著)=Yu, Xin (au.)
出處題名 International Conference at Princeton University=普林斯頓大學學術國際研討會
出版日期2014.09.06 - 08
出版者網址 http://csr.princeton.edu/dunhuangmanuscripts/
出版地New Jersey, US [紐澤西州, 美國]
資料類型會議論文=Proceeding Article
摘要 本文旨在探討瑞應圖書的源流及其在唐代的政治实践,試圖將史志著錄、圖像材料與敦煌文獻、日本古寫本結合,綜合考察漢唐瑞應圖書的知識社會史,從知識內核和文本語境出發,重繪中古瑞應圖書的成立過程與知識-信仰-制度結構。

Ruiying, also known as xiangrui, furui or fuying, is a special ideology, political technique and cultural phenomenon in traditional China. This article is to investigate the origin and development of ruiying and its role in the political practice in the Tang Dynasty. The author used historical records, images and inscriptions, Dunhuang and Japanese manuscripts, to throw a new light on the knowledge history of books on Ruiying during the Han to Tang period, and to repaint a new scene of historical progress of its formation and the structure of the knowledge-faith-institution system, from a multiple angle of knowledge kernel and context.
The author argues that the ruiying can be viewed as a concrete result of Yinyang School, and has a root, which comes up from fangshu-bowuxue, and it is necessary to understand the ruiying under the context of the tradition of Chinese bowuxue. After a brief analysis of the evolution of books on ruiying, the author discussed the transmission of these knowledge in Tang dynasty on the basis of the manuscript Tiandi ruixiang zhi, now in the Sonkeikaku bunko, Tokyo. My aim is to help discern the logic in the organization of the text and its approach to cultural epistemology. Then, the author revealed the relation between the image and the text in manuscript culture, through textual research on the visual genealogy of books on ruiying. The author traced the mark of the existence of ancient books on ruiying, deferent performances of the images of omen(xiangrui or zaiyi), and proceeded a comparative study with the Dunhuang manuscript Ruiying tu and Baizhe jinguai tu. In the last part, the author turned to explore the function books on ruiying in the construction of political validity: how books on ruiying became the standard to identify an omen, how the ruiying involved in the institution in the statutory society of Tang, and how an informal xiangrui got official affirmation and entered the new Ruiying tu.
In summary, this article will use a crucial yet underappreciated text of the medieval period to rethink some of the major issues of ruiying in Chinese intellectual history, and to development a new horizon and method in the prospect of Dunhuang studies.

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