The main topic is the attempt to trace activities of different religious groups, Hindus, and in particular Śaivas, on the one side, and Buddhists on the other, as reflected in specific wordings of inscriptions
I. No. 17 Dhruvasena I (216 mägha: AD 536) 371 II. No. 18 Dhruvasena I (217 äfvayuja: AD 537) 371 III. No. 10 DhruvasenaI (200xx8 pausa 218 [?]: AD538?) 372 IV. No. 24 Guhasena (240 érâvana AD 559) 372 V. No. 38 Dharasena II (date lost); VI. No. 39 (269 caitra: AD 588), and VII. No. 40 (270 mägha: AD 590) 373 vibärasya ca !Aandasph[u]titavûïrnnaj)ra.tisa.mskiiranàrtham 373 VI. Nr. 52 Sïlâditya I. (290 bhadrapada AD 609) 374 VII. No. 25 Guhasena (ad 587?) 376 References 377