
A source book in Chinese philosophy
作者 Chan, Wing-Tsit
出版者Princeton University Press
出版地Princeton, NJ, US [普林斯顿, 紐澤西州, 美國]
摘要Anthology tracing the entire history of Chinese philosophy from Confucianism to contemporary Communism.
目次Part I --
Chronology of dynasties --
Chronology of philosophers --
1. The growth of humanism --
Ancestors and the Lord on High --
The mandate of heaven, ancestors and virtue --
The "Great Norm" --
Spirits, the soul and immortality --
2. The humanism of Confucius --
Selections from the Analects --
3. Idealistic Confucianism: Mencius --
The Book of Mencius: Book 6, part 1 --
Additional selections --
4. Moral and social programs: The Great Learning --
5. Spiritual dimensions: The Doctrine of the Mean --
6. Naturalistic Confucianism: Hsun Tzu --
"On Nature" --
"On the Rectification of Names" --
"The Nature of Man is Evil" --
7. The natural way of Lao Tzu --
The Lao-Tzu (Tao-te ching) --
8. The mystical way of Chuang Tzu --
"The Equality of Things" --
"The Great Teacher" --
Additional selections: (1) The nature and reality of Tao --
(2) Tao everywhere --
(3) Constant flux --
(4) Evolution --
(5) Tao as transformation and one --
(6) Nature vs. man --
(7) Calmness of mind --
(8) Sageliness and kingliness --
(9) The equality of life and death --
(10) Subjectivity --
(11) The inner spirit --
9. Mo Tzu's doctrines of universal love, heaven and social welfare --
A. "Universal Love, Pt. 2" --
"The Will of Heaven, Pt. 1" --
"Attack on Fatalism, Pt. 1" --
Additional selections: (1) Utilitarianism --
(2) The condemnation of war --
(3) Condemnation of wasteful musical activities --
(4) Condemnation of elaborate funerals --
(5) Elevating the worthy to government positions --
(6) Agreement with the Superior --
10. Debates on metaphysical concepts: Logicians --
A. paradoxes of Hui Shih and the Debaters --
B. Kung-sun Lung Tzu (1) "On the White Horse" --
(2) "On Marks (chih) and Things" --
(3) "On the Explanation of Change" --
(4) "On Hardness and Whiteness" --
(5) "On Names and Actuality" --
11. The Yin Yang School --
(1) Tsou Yen --
(2) Yin and Yang --
(3) The Five Agents --
12. Legalism --
(1) Synthesis of legalistic doctrine --
(2) Interpretations of Tao --
13. Philosophy of change --
(1) Selections from the commentaries --
(2) Selections from the "Appended Remarks," Pt. 1 --
(3) Selections from the "Appended Remarks," Pt. 2 --
(4) Selections from "Remarks on Certain Tri-grams" --
14. Yin Yang Confuciansim: Tung Chung-shu --
A. A profound examination o names and appellations --
B. Meaning of the Five Agents --
C. "The Correspondence of Man and the Numerical Categories of Heaven" --
D. "Things of the Same Kind Activate Each Other" --
E. Additional selections: (1) The Origin (Yuan) --
(2) Humanity and righteousness --
(3) Humanity and wisdom --
(4) Historical cycles --
15. Taoistic Confucianism: Yang Hsiung --
16. The Naturalism of Wang Ch'ung --
A. "On Original Nature" --
B. "On Spontaneity" --
C. "A Treatise on Death" --
D. Additional selections: (1) Accident vs. necessity --
(2) Strange phenomena --
(3) Fate --
(4) The equality of past and present --
17. Taoism of Huai-nan Tzu --
A. The "Yang Chu Chapter" --
B. The Lieh Tzu: (1) Skepticism --
(2) Fatalism --
19. Neo-Taoism --
(1) Wang Pi's Simple Exemplifications of the Principles of the Book of Changes --
(2) Wang Pi's Commentary on the Book of Changes --
(3) Wang Pi's Commentary on the Lao Tzu --
(4) Ho Yen's Treatise on Tao --
(5) Ho Yen's Treatise on the Nameless --
(6) Kui Hsaing's Commentary on the Chuang Tzu --
20. Seven early Buddhist schools --
21. Seng-chao's Doctrine of Reality --
(1) "Immutability of Things" --
(2) "Emptiness of the Unreal" --
22. Philosophy of emptiness: Chi-tsang of the Three-Treatise School --
(1) Two levels of truth --
(2) Causes and effects --
(3) Four subsidiary causes --
(4) Existence, nonexistence, and emptiness --
(5) Substance and function --
23. Bud
ISBN0691019649 (pbk); 9780691019642 (pbk)

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