
水陸儀軌之天台圓觀思想研究=A study on the Tiantai Perfect Meditation in the Shuilu fahui Dharma Ritual
作者 釋印隆 (撰)
出版者法鼓佛教學院 佛教學系
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞水陸法會=Shuilu fahui Dharma Ritual; 水陸儀軌=Shuilu fahui Dharma Liturgy; 天台判教=Tiantai panjiao; 圓觀=perfect meditation; 中道實相=middle-way reality; 懺悔=repentance; 戒律=vinaya; 真言=mantra; 念佛; 淨土=Pure Land
摘要 水陸法會是漢傳佛教最盛大隆重的法會,以集諸多殊勝功德、時間長且規模大為其特色。水陸法會的精神,在於「用平等心,修無礙供」;但「平等無礙」的具體落實,需回歸到修行層面。若忽略了水陸法會的修持精神與意義,將致使法會流於形式運作而已。現今所流傳的《水陸儀軌》,即是依天台宗教觀之理論與實踐方式來集懺法之大成,貫串於整體水陸儀軌之核心,為圓頓觀法的修持。因此,本論文主要是以現今傳最廣的民國法裕法師重編之《法界聖凡水陸勝會修齋儀軌會本》為研究文本,並同時參照宋代志磐大師撰、明代蓮池大師修訂的《法界聖凡水陸勝會修齋儀軌》內容。從儀文的組織內容及法會儀軌的施設,探討「水陸儀軌」中所蘊含的相關天台圓觀思想。

The Shuilu fahui Dharma Ritual (also known as “Waterland Dharma Function”, “Liberation Rite of Water and Land”, and “shuilu fahui”), one of the grandest dharma assemblies in Chinese Buddhism, is characterized by being on a large scale, lasting a long period of time, and having a myriad of excellent merits. The spirit of Shuilu fahui Dharma Ritual is to “practice unobstructed offering with an impartial mind.” However, impartiality and non-obstruction cannot be attained without resorting to one’s cultivation, which is usually neglected in traditional water and land liturgies, or is expected to be actualized by the dharma host and manager of affairs (yue-zhong dharma master). Meanwhile, it is forgotten that the dharma function is meant to offer an opportunity for all participants to practice together. Consequently, the function is reduced to a formality. In fact, the core of the whole water and land liturgy is the practice of the perfect sudden meditation (hereafter perfect meditation). The current version of “Water and Land Liturgy” (Shuilu Yigui) is a collection of the best repentance rituals based on the theory and implementation of teaching and observation of Tiantai School. This study explores the perfect meditation of Tiantai School contained in Water and Land Liturgy from the organization and content of the liturgy, and the arrangement and implementation of the rituals by researching into the “Combined Liturgies of Abstinence Practice of the Universal Deliverance and Grand Feast Assembly for All Sages and Sentient Beings Gathering from the Water and Land Dharma Realms (Fajie Shengfan Shuilu Shenghui Xiuzhai Yigui Huiben)” edited by Master Fayu in 1920’s, while referring to the text of “Fajie Shengfan Shuilu Shenghui Xiuzhai Yigui” written by Master Zhipan in Song Dynasty and revised by Master Lianchi in Ming Dynasty.
  We know from the Water and Land Liturgy that the abstinence practice in the Shuilu fahui Dharma Ritual is to allow participants to practice perfect meditation with the words in the liturgy through various rituals, in order to capture the spirit of great compassion and impartiality – the real character of all dhammas. The theoretical foundation of Tiantai’s perfect meditation is that the truth of the dharma-realm is perfect interfusion of the three truths, in order to manifest the truth of non-duality of matter and mind, as well as the fact that all dhammas are marvelous. Therefore, an offering can be made to pervade the ten directions and ten dharma-realms. If we understand the identity of phenomena with their underlying principle, the perfect penetration without obstruction, and that all dhammas are marvelous, we are able to make a superior dharma offering, and rediscover our real self. The whole Water and Land Liturgy is the implementation of perfect meditation, as well as the six perfections in myriad actions of the Mahayana bodhisattva’s path. The purpose of the study is to manifest ancestral teachers’ compassionate wishes in their compilation of water and land liturgies, and to allow participants to understand the Buddha’s intentions in his teachings through the content of the liturgy. The characteristics of Water and Land Liturgy are to “practice unobstructed offering with an impartial mind and make donations to all with great compassion.” To actualize impartiality a
目次摘要 1
心得與謝辭 5
凡例 9
目次 i

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與本文研究方法 1
一、問題意識 1
二、研究目的 2
三、研究方法 3
第二節 當代相關研究成果 6
第三節 研究範圍、使用文獻與章節安排 12
一、研究範圍 12
二、使用文獻 12
三、章節安排 15

第二章 水陸法會源流與天台觀心食法 19
第一節 水陸儀軌的歷史演變 20
一、北水陸、金山水陸與南水陸 20
二、水陸儀軌中的說明 27
第二節 焰口施食與水陸法會 32
一、佛教施食意義與焰口的起源 32
二、水陸儀軌與施食 33
第三節 水陸法會與觀心食法 37
一、目前關於水陸儀軌淵源研究論點 37
二、六道齋與平等普供十法界 41
三、水陸儀軌與天台觀心食法 43
第四節 小結 49

第三章 理事相融的天台行法特質 51
第一節 天台儀軌行法特色 51
一、《法華三昧懺儀》與水陸儀軌的行法架構 51
二、水陸儀軌的理事相融特色 57
三、理具事造從無住本立一切法 62
第二節 行前方便的天台懺儀精神 68
一、於正修時能與法相應 68
二、水陸法會的前方便 69
第三節 水陸儀軌內外壇相資互攝的行法特色 71
一、正行與助行 71
二、內壇佛事的施設意義 73
三、外壇佛事的施設意義 76
四、內外壇行法相資互攝 82
五、水陸儀軌的放生思想 87
第四節 小結 90

第四章 水陸儀軌中的天台懺悔思想 93
第一節 天台懺悔思想與水陸儀軌 93
一、懺悔與持戒清淨 93
二、未成佛道均須懺悔 94
三、以無生懺為究竟懺罪法 98
第二節 幽冥戒—梵網大戒菩薩行 101
一、菩薩戒與幽冥戒行法內容 101
二、以戒乘俱急及事理不二思想論觀心持戒 107
三、中道妙觀戒體論 113
四、歸依為納戒之基礎 116
五、根本總持三聚淨戒 121
六、菩提心為正行之本 125
第三節 小結 130

第五章 水陸儀軌與天台圓觀 133
第一節 天台教判為顯法華實相思想 133
一、水陸儀文顯天台判教思想 134
二、實相思想與觀心實踐 147
三、佛種從緣起是故說一乘 150
第二節 本迹不二顯妙喻密 159
一、本迹二門彰顯法華實相勝義 160
二、開迹顯本妙顯度眾悲心 167
三、從本垂迹普門應現護宣正法 171
第三節 真法供養圓融無盡 177
一、悟即登妙迷則沉淪 180
二、一具一切無量無盡 182
三、平等供施圓滿無礙 185
第四節 一心圓具三三三妙 189
一、三諦一心圓頓妙觀 189
二、三觀圓照一心中得 197
三、三智一心圓具勝用 201
四、三德祕藏平等普度 202
第五節 水陸儀軌中的真言與天台圓觀思想 214
一、水陸儀軌中的陀羅尼運用 216
二、真言與圓觀 227
第六節 小結 239

第六章 天台淨土思想與水陸儀軌 245
第一節 天台淨土思想 245
第二節 水陸儀軌的念佛法門 249
一、圓觀成就十六妙觀 249
二、圓觀三輩九品證實相 253
三、約心觀佛悟即心即佛 255
四、觀法理微故需持名念佛 259
第三節 水陸儀軌的淨土思想 262
一、處處迴向導歸淨土 262
二、三心圓發成就上品 266
三、送聖圓滿一心念佛 267
第四節 小結 269

第七章 結論 271
第一節 如理觀修彰顯教義 271
第二節 藉事顯理成就無上第一法施 272
第三節 經懺佛事的本懷 277

參考書目 283

附表:《會本》水陸儀文與天台圓觀思想對照圖表 297
附表:水陸儀軌行法表解 325
附:表格目次 339
附:圖表目次 343

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