
慧思《諸法無諍三昧法門》「止觀所緣轉向」研究=A Study on the "Transformation of the Object of Concentration in Meditation" based on the "Practice of Samadhi which Is in Harmony with All Methods of Practice" as taught by Venerable Huisi
作者 釋性廣 (著)=Shing Kuang Venerable (au.)
出處題名 華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
頁次43 - 73
出版者網址 http://cola.hfu.edu.tw/epaper/super_pages.php?ID=epaper1
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞慧思禪師=Venerable Huisi; 無諍=arana (non-contention, nondisturbing); 諸法無諍三昧法門=ractice of samadhi which is in harmony (araṇā-samādhi) with all methods of practice; 禪定=meditation/concentration; 禪波羅蜜=dhyāna-pāramitā (perfection of meditation/concentration); 四念處=catvari smrty-upasthanani (the four foundations of mindfulness); 陀羅尼=dharani; 轉向心=mind of transformation

Inspired by the idea of ”harmonizing all the practices,” Chan master Huisi expounds his understanding of the ”perfection of meditation” (dhyānapāramitā) and practice according to the Buddha's teaching. He explains that, in order to save and benefit all sentient beings, a follower of the bodhisattva path must practice meditation unremittingly. Based on this, his cultivation of the various dharani and the immeasurable Samadhi entailing the profound insight can be accomplished.This article analyses the specific content and characteristic of Venerable Huisi's view of ”transformation in dhyāna pāramitā,” by examining his methods of cultivation, as well as his theory and practice of concentration and contemplation from the subsequent four points of view:
i) Differentiating between the principles of studies and the methods of practice.
ii) Differentiating between the abilities and the tools to be used.
iii) Understanding the methods used to transform the object of concentration
iv) Penetrating all the immeasurable methods via mastering one method.
When selecting the object of concentration, the practitioner may choose a method fitting his specific conditions, needs, and character. However, in realizing the bodhisattva path and guiding sentient beings, he must also learn to change or adjust his object of concentration and contemplation the advanced skill of which accomplishes his practicing the ”immeasurable samadhi benefiting other sentient beings.” In respect to the state of his mind, the way he refers to and adjusts the object(s) of contemplation expresses his ability of cognition/knowing. Viewed from the crucial Mahayana doctrine which emphasizes the benefit for others, this also fulfills his ”vow to learn and master the immeasurable ways of practicing.
”Based on his own experiences, Venerable Huisi expounds those methods of concentration and contemplation by means of which the practitioner can ”penetrate the immeasurable ways of cultivation via mastering one method of practice.” Such a teaching enables him to redirect and turn his initial concentration into the cultivation of all the other methods of practice. Venerable Huisi also unfolds the teaching of the ”Fahua samadhi” which is the cultivation which entails the realization of Buddhahood. All this sets up the theoretical foundation for the Tiantai-school's ”Complete Teaching of Concentration and Contemplation” which has later been developed and advocated by Venerable Zhiyi in his mature stage of practice and teaching.
目次壹、前言 44
貳、《諸法無諍三昧法門》的內容與特色 45
參、止觀所緣轉向之內容 50
肆、止觀所緣轉向之分析 60
伍、結論 69
ISSN18124305 (P)

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