
Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China
作者 Tsai, Yen-zen
出版者網址 http://nccupress.nccu.edu.tw/index.php
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型論文集=Collected Papers
內容註HSING-KUANG CHAO 趙星光 is Associate Professor of Sociology and Head of the Graduate Institute of Education at Tunghai University.

ROGER FINKE is Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies at Pennsylvania State University. He is Director of the Association of Religion Data Archives.

SHIH-JU HUANG 黃詩茹 is Ph.D. Student of the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University.

CHEN-YANG KAO 高晨揚 is Assistant Research Fellow of the Institute of Ethnology at Academia Sinica.

PING-YIN KUAN 關秉寅 is Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at National Chengchi University.

CHENG-TIAN KUO 郭承天 is Distinguished Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science and Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University.

YEN-ZEN TSAI 蔡彥仁 is Professor of Religious Studies of the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University.

YI-JIA TSAI 蔡怡佳 is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Head of the Department of Religious Studies at Fu-Jen Catholic University.

DAVID VOAS is Professor of Sociology of the Institute for Social Change at University of Manchester.

XINZHONG YAO 姚新中 is Professor of Chinese Religion in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London.

MING-HUA YU 于明華 is Ph.D. Student of the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University.
摘要“Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China helps social scientists and all religion scholars to rediscover the importance of religious experiences for multiple world religions. Combining a diverse array of survey items with thousands of candid narratives conducted in Taiwan, the authors provide a depth and breadth that can’t be matched by previous work. The nationally representative surveys for Taiwan and China offer a broad overview of how religion is experienced in the culture, how these experiences vary for each of the many religious (and even non-religious) groups, and how they vary between China and Taiwan.”
目次Preface (Roger Finke)
Introduction (Yen-zen Tsai)
Part I. Religions in Contemporary Taiwan and Analysis of the REST
1. A Profile of Religion in Contemporary Taiwan (Ping-yin Kuan)
2. Folk Religion and Religious Experience in Taiwan (Ming-hua Yu)
3. Taiwanese Buddhism and Religious Experiences (Yi-jia Tsai)
4. Taiwanese Daoism and Religious Experiences (Cheng-tian Kuo)
5. Religious Experiences of Taiwanese I-Kuan Tao and Buddho-Daoism (Shih-ju Huang)
6. Taiwanese Christianity and Religious Experiences (Hsing-kuang Chao)
7. The Religious Experiences of the Non-religious in Taiwan (Chen-yang Kao)
8. Confucian Culture in Contemporary Taiwan and Religious Experiences (Yen-zen Tsai)
9. Embodied Modes of Religious Experience in Taiwan (Yi-jia Tsai)
Part II. Thematic Exploration and Comparison between Taiwan and China
10. Religion, Religious Experience, and Education in Taiwan (David Voas)
11. Becoming Religious? The Relationship between Change in Religious Affiliation and Religiosity in Taiwan (Hsing-kuang Chao and Ping-yin Kuan)
12. Political Conservatism and Religious Experiences in Taiwan (Cheng-tian Kuo)
13. Gender and Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China (Xinzhong Yao)
Appendix I. Basic Information about REST Questionnaire
Appendix II. Questionnaire of Religious Experience Survey in Taiwan
Appendix III. Questionnaire of Religious Experience Survey in Taiwan—Chinese Original
ISBN9789866475467 (平)

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