從敦煌莫高窟北區石窟考古發現看古代文化交流=The Archaeological Discoveries from The Northern Quarter Grottoes of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang and Cultural Exchanges in Ancient Time
The team of archaeologists from The Dunhuang Academy had worked on the site of the Northern Quarter Grottoes of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang for over 7 years since 1988-1995. There are rich achievements obtained from archaeological excavation including a large scale of valuable relics remains and important living quarters. Among the valuable relics, a Persia silver coin, documents written in Syrian and Sanskrit as well as Sanskrit manuscript written with Brami alphabets were found , other articles like the Cross in copper, an octagonal article and the silk fabrics and woolen textile with strong flavor of decorative design from the Western Asia in exist. Some of those objects are made in the Central Asia or the Western Asia, the written languages are original piece from the Western Asia or Indian and some are created in China under the influence of the Central Asia and the Western Asia. The relics found in the northern quarter grottoes of Mogao Grottoes has great significance in Dunhuang studies and they are the best proof of sino-western cultural exchanges and played an important role and impact of Dunhuang in the exchange and cross influence among Chinese and Indian and Greek civilizations, for Dunhuang was situated at the crossroad of the Old Silk Road and then it became an important international metropolitan between China and foreign countries in perspectives of politics, economy, ethnic groups, religions, culture and communication.