龍門石窟北魏後期洞窟小考 -- 以520-530年期間開鑿的石窟為中心=An Examination in The Grottoes Dating from The Later Period of The Northern-Wei Dynasty at Longmen Grottoes:Centered on The Date of 520-530A.D
First at all, these grottoes in Longmen Grottoes Which dated from 520-530 A.D.have shared many common features with the Bingyang Zhongdong and No.1-4 Caves at County Gong. The differences found in such characteristic of no centralpillar constructoin and the layout of images inside No.1-4 Cave at County Gong makes us to believe that it was not only one standard specimen to be followed in earlier Buddhist grotto construction. The construction of these grottoes in Longmen Hrottoes Which dated 520-530 A.D. was obviously under the great influence of construction style form the the second and the third construction periods of Yungang Gottoes. Among these grottoes in Longmen Grottoes Which dated from 520-530 A.D., those three caves, Wei Zi Dong, Pu Tai Dong, Huangpu Dong, had shared more common features on archaeological findings.Comparing Ci Xiang Dong with the three are still some differences in exist such as the way kasaya dressing on Buddh’s inage besides Ci Xiang Dong itself very small in svale, though their have many characteristic in common. By a comparative study, we have learnt that the workers of Ci Xiang Dong must not the same ones that have labored in the project of Wei Zi Dong, Pu Tai Dong, Huangpu Dong, although their were obviously under the influence of the project of the Bingyang Zhongdong.