
如何理解《六祖壇經》的倫理學型態?=How to Comprehend the Types of Ethical Theories of "The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch"?
作者 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.)
出處題名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評=National Taiwan University Philosophical Review
頁次71 - 101
出版者國立臺灣大學哲學系=NTU Philosophy Department
出版者網址 http://review.philo.ntu.edu.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞《六祖壇經》="The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch"; 佛教倫理學=Buddhist ethics; 德行倫理學=virtue ethics; 結果主義=consequentialism; 禪宗倫理=ethics of Chan Buddhism

The distinguishing feature of Chinese Buddhist ethics is its emphasis of mind-nature over the normativity of precepts. In this system, the ultimate aim of moral practice is achieved through eradicating mental defilements to reveal pure mind-nature-a proposition which is strongly held by Chan Buddhism and clearly revealed through verses in "The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch": “With the tranquil mind, why labor to maintain the precepts? With practice direct, what use is it to cultivate dhyana"; "For the mindground to be without error is the precept of the self-nature". This paper uses "The Platform Sutra" as the theoretical background for probing the ethics on which Chan Buddhism built its foundations. First of all, I analyze the type of ethics that the content of the "The Platform Sutra" can be said to display from the perspective of the view on precepts and mind-nature and subsequently offer my opinion on the similarities between virtue ethics and the type of ethics displayed in "The Platform Sutra". Next, I give consideration to whether "The Platform Sutra" can be classified as a type of consequentialism when viewed in terms of the Chan Buddhist notion of instant revelation, along with the ultimate Buddhist aim of liberation from suffering and the attainment of Buddhahood. The outcome of this paper suggests that, "The Platform Sutra" offers a transcendental cognition aiming at "Nirvana" and that its central theme of "non-abiding", derived from the ethical perspective of this text which in turn is based upon both the theoretical journey of returning to mind-nature and a world view constructed around Dependent Origination and Impermanence. The theoretical journey that starts with "cognition" and culminates in "liberation" prompts an ethical pattern of autonomy, whereas the moral subject spontaneously perfects all virtues through the practical wisdom of proper conduct. When considering the ethics of "The Platform Sutra" it would be prudent to conclude only the following: when seen purely from the aspect of theoretical similarity, the ethical pattern of "The Platform Sutra" can be said to be roughly analogous to virtue ethics and consequentialism, and perhaps even to deontology. However, when the intrinsic theory of "The Platform Sutra" is taken into account, it is evident that apart from theoretical similarity, the view of differentiation still needs to be incorporated into the ethical equation of this text. The outcome of this paper suggests that, "The Platform Sutra" offers a transcendental cognition aiming at "Nirvana" and that its central theme of "non-abiding", derived from the ethical perspective of this text which in turn is based upon both the theoretical journey of returning to mind-nature and a world view constructed around Dependent Origination and Impermanence. The theoretical journey that starts with "cognition" and culminates in "liberation" prompts an ethical pattern of autonomy, whereas the moral subject spontaneously perfects all virtues through the practical wisdom of proper conduct. When considering the ethics of "The Platform Sutra" it would be prudent to conclude only the following: when seen purely from the aspect of theoretical similarity, the ethical pattern of "The Platform Sutra" can be said to be roughly analogous to virtue ethics and consequentialism, and perhaps even to deontology. However, when the intrin
目次壹、前言 75
貳、《壇經》的戒律觀所揭示的倫理思考 77
一、本文所依據的《壇經》版本 77
二、以戒律為視角出發的佛教倫理學 78
三、《壇經》之「戒律觀」 81
參、《壇經》的心性論所揭示的倫理思考 82
一、「自性」作為《壇經》的道德倫述基礎:一種世界觀所展開的倫理視角 82
二、從「自性」、「自性戒」到「無相戒」的倫理思維 85
肆、如何理解《壇經》的倫理學型態? 90
一、從「認識」而「解脫」所構築之道德自律的型態 90
二、《壇經》倫理學型態可否為德行倫理學? 91
三、《壇經》倫理學型態可否為結果主義? 93
四、《壇經》倫理學型態的多元性格 96
伍、結語 98
ISSN10158995 (P)

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