20世紀中古文學研究與佛教因緣 ── 以《孔雀東南飛》和“永明聲律論”的爭議為中心=The Connection between 20th Century Studies of Ancient Chinese Literature and Buddhism: Based on the Controversy Concerning "The Peacock Flying Southeast" and "The Sound Theory in Yongming Period"
In the 20th century, there were two prolonged discussions on the relationship between ancient Chinese literature and Buddhism. One was about whether The Peacock Flying Southeast was influenced by The Buddhacarita, an Indian sutra, and the other was on whether the Four Tones Theory in Yongming period was derived from the three tones in Ashtadhyayi in ancient India. The former debate was launched by Liang Qichao in the 1920s, and some scholars including Hu Shi, Huang Jie and Lu Kanru were also involved. The latter which covered a wider range of issues such as Buddhist historical records and prosody was initiated by Chen Yike in the 1930s, and many more scholars including Guo Shaoyu, Tang Yongtong, Rao Zongyi, Zhou Yiliang and others put forward their arguments.