Ālayavijñāna; Āśrayaparivṛtti; Buddhist Epistemology; Buddhist Idealism; Dharmakīrti
The scholarly understanding of Dharmakīrti’s arguments in favor of idealism has greatly improved in the past few years. However, many aspects of this philosopher’s position remain unclear. In particular, the gnoseological and psychological foundations of his denial of the external world remain little known: Does he accept an Ālayavijñāna or not? And if yes, is this ālayavijñāna the same as the eighth vijñāna of “classical” idealism? What does āśraya refer to in the expression āśrayaparivṛtti? In addition to addressing these and similar questions, the present paper aims at summarizing what can be said in the light of past and present research on the topic of Dharmakīrti’s idealism.